04 March 2010

Here's that lavatory faucet again

In case you missed it, that Bali faucet by Graff is a knock out, It's been haunting me and here's why.

When I was a kid, my family had a rather rustic cottage in rural Ontario and we had one of these as a ktichen faucet.

Here's Graff's modern take on that same idea. I'm astounded!


  1. It really reminds me of the outdoor pumps at the farms of relatives as a little girl! very cool!
    Art by Karena

  2. It takes me right back too Karena. Right back.

  3. Paul you should take a look at the Delta Victorian open channel.... reminds me of that pump as well.

  4. The Vesi? I didn't know Delta had a Channel version of the Victorian.

  5. Paul, do you mean a 'single' faucet when you refer to 'a channel version'? Also, you mention rural Ontario....Canada? -Brenda-

    P.S: (Re the style of the faucet. While creating a Family Heritage album I came across a letter written by my Great Grandfather (to his Mother) which was dated 1904. In it he says "he had to haul water from the ice covered River as he could not draw water from the hand pump.)

  6. A channel refers to a faucet with an open spout. Like Brizo's Vesi Channel: http://www.brizo.com/bath/collection/vesi-channel.html

    And yes, it was an is in Ontario, Canada. My brothers and their families still go up there every summer. The place is outside of a small town called Tamworth and it's about an hour-and-a-half north of Kingston. It's about midway between Ottawa and Toronto.

    We had a handpump at the kitchen sink and it brought in lake water for cleaning and washing. Drinking water came from another, larger handpump about 100 meters down a path through the woods. One of our daily chores was to carry buckets of drinking water into the cottage. Looking back, it was a great experience. However, there are few things more irritating than having your hands busy with a pump when the deer flies find you. Hah!

  7. Thank you Paul for answering my faucet question. (I am a blonde for good reason...smile.)

    Regarding the deer (black or horse) flies. Most Hunters and Loggers will tell you; about a week prior to exposure taking a daily dosage of a Vitamin E supplement will repell them.

  8. Really? I never heard that about Vitamin E. We used to rely on Muskol, but sometimes even that didn't work.

  9. YES Paul, I can attest to it. It actually works! When we were kids, prior to going to the cottage (on the advice of my Granfather who was a Pharmacist) it was a ritual that we take it. I'm not even sure Muskol was around then.

    Also know first hand from an owner of a Forestry business in Northern Ontario, he ensures his staff takes it.

  10. Hmm. I have a bunch of nephews and brothers heading up your way in a couple of months. I'll pass along your remedy.


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