31 December 2010

Happy New Year!

I like both of these old covers.

I'm still on my blogging break and I'll be back in full swing next week. Have a terrific New Year's Eve and thanks for a spectacular 2010 at K&RD!


  1. Happy New Year to you and JD!

    Can't wait to see what fabulousness you cook up here at KaRD.

  2. Thanks Raina! Oh you should see the wonders I have cooking. We're starting off next week with a recipe hack for homemade Cracker jack, then we're moving on to a thorough discussion about Formica brand laminates and then a little something about Honduran mahogany doors. It will be thrill a minute and I'm happy to have you along for the ride. Happy New Year to you and your family Raina!

  3. Happy New Year Paul!!!! Hope to see you sometime next year........

  4. Happy New Year Marilyn, are you going to be at the IBS in Orlando this month?

  5. Hey Paul, I'll be there; although not sure which day as of yet. The NEWH Conference runs on the same days. What day are you planning on attending?


Talk to me!