10 February 2010

Guess where this apartment is

This apartment's gorgeous. Everything about it looks so comfortable and warm.

Here's what the website where I found it had to say.
Дизайнер и архитектор Катерина Лашманова является выпускницей МАРХИ. В 2005 году Катерина с отличием закончила школу дизайна интерьеров «Детали», а затем прошла стажировку в лондонской школе дизайна KLC. В данный момент успешно работает в созданном совместно с Инной Завьяловой бюро L&Z Design Bureau.

Эта квартира общей площадью 120 квадратных метров расположена в Москве, на Ходынке. Стиль этого интерьера можно отнести к современной классике. Тон интерьеру задает большое количество лепнины, а также классическая массивная мебель, которая создает ощущение спокойной уверенности и уюта. Несмотря на классический настрой, обстановка получилась вполне современная и в духе времени.
That apartment's in the Khodynka section of Moscow, and it's not at all what I think of when I hear the phrase "Moscow apartment." I admit it, I'm a product of the cold war and my ideas about Russian lives and Russian apartments were formed by TV like this.

I'm being followed on Twitter by a Russian design blog called Decormag. Decormag tweets in Russian, A language I can neither read nor speak. I've let Google Translate have a turn or two at helping me make sense of the editorial content of Decormag, but I kind of like not being able to read the posts. It's interesting to look at Decormag's top-notch photography and rely on my imagination to make up the story.

So thank you Decormag for following me and broadening my horizons. And thank you Twitter for shrinking the world just little bit more.


Дизайнер — Катерина Лашманова
Фотограф — Дмитрий Горшков


  1. I knew you would surprise me -- what a lark. Apartment looks great, but on February 10 I would NOT want to step outside. Prefer Miami -- at least during the winter.

  2. Tell me about it, I cannot imagine how the Khodynka neighborhood felt this morning.

  3. Very funny TV ad - but what's with that British voice-over saying tomAYtoes? That's just wrong.

  4. I remember that spot from the mid-80s. When did you move to the US?


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