29 September 2010

Handpresso for when you just need a fix

I am gearing myself up for another trip to the Out Islands of The Bahamas next month. Ahhh, I can't wait to get back to my beach. I've written about my favorite retreat spot on Cat Island numerous times, so much so that The Bahamas is its own key word on this site.

When I'm out there on that isolated patch in the Atlantic, creature comforts are few and far between and such creature comforts there are have to be brought in. It's my usual routine to wake up with the sun and take a French press with me up onto the rocks to watch the sun come up. I took this photo two summers ago.

As enjoyable as a cup of coffee from French press is, I think I found a better solution.

It's the Handpresso, a hand-operated espresso machine from France. A Handpresso, a thermos of hot water and some ground espresso are all I need to make my personal sunrise service complete.

Here's a video that explains how they work.

Now all they need is a US distributor...

The Handpresso comes in a version that uses loose espresso and a version that uses E.S.E standard coffee pods if you're rather stale espresso. Regardless of the version, Handpresso machines are ushering in a new era of what the company calls "nomadic espresso." Anything that involves moving around and espresso has to be good.

Check out  the rest of Handpresso's website for more products and more videos of the Handpresso at work.

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