10 September 2010

Fiorentino's the gift that keeps on giving

First we had lighting for a modernist bordello.

Then we had coordinating, pleather ottomans and various poufs.

So what's missing? Why coffee tables of course. Fiorentino thinks of everything.

Where's Telly Savalas when you need him?


  1. funny!! Glitz was in back then and lots of it! I remember even wearing it! (Not sure I should admit that!)

  2. I've wanted to run that Telly Savalas ad for Plaers Club International for ages and I've been looking for the perfect foil. Fiorentino provided it!

  3. If you're gonna go, go big. And sparkly. And whorey. Just like my momma always said.

  4. Wait a minute, did your momma hand you a heart-shaped locket that said "To thine own self be true" too?

  5. Wow, I don't think that I have the imagination for tacky to be a fancy designer... but it'd be fun to try.

  6. Aw, don't be so hard on Fiorentino. Trophy wives need SOMETHING to decorate their McMansions with!

  7. Nim: You need to aim higher then!

    Denise: That's one more reason that Telly Savalas ad is so perfect.


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