Two weeks ago, I wrote about Fabric on Demand in post called Fabric on Demand --high tech meets homespun. Fabric on Demand is an online service where anybody can upload a design and have it printed as a fabric. I'm fascinated by this particular iteration of web 2.0, and it bodes for a future I'm very willing to embrace. What a tremendous means of self-expression this represents. I mean; why settle for upholstery, clothing, window treatments or bedding you don't love when you can design your own?
Soon after that blog post posted, I sent a link to it to Fabric on Demand. I do that often by the way. When I find a cool product, service or website it's my standard procedure to write to the manufacturer, provider or web master to let them know that I found them and that I like what they're up to.
Anyhow, I heard back from Rysa at Fabric on Demand later that day and she offered to print me a sample so I could see how their process works up close. I jumped at the chance and in turn wrote another post asking for a brave volunteer to send me an original illustration that would translate well as a fabric pattern. I was looking for something brightly colored and easy to work into a repeated pattern.
I appreciate all the interest that request generated and Kelly James from Design Ties sent me an illustration she did of some pool balls and they were perfect. Here's what Kelly sent me:
I uploaded the pool balls to Fabric on Demand's website and had a proof back very quickly. Here's a close up of the proof:
Here's what that pattern will look like as a yard of fabric.
Pretty cool! Fabric on Demand is printing me a sample of this pattern and I ought to have it by next week. When it arrives, you'll see it here first. Stay tuned!
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