03 April 2009

And the winner is...

[This prize was awarded but never delivered. I was played the fool by a huckster. Please see my post Texts, lies and the final escape: when good contests go bad from 24 February 2010 for a thorough explanation. Do yourself a favor and read the comments that follow that post for an even more thorough explanation. Do not do business with anyone affiliated with Metallo Arts, past or present.]

After sorting through the contest entries for the last 18 hours or so I have come to a decision. I'll spare you the details of my agony, but know that I agonized over this.

The winner of a $3200 gift certificate from Metallo Arts and ten hours of my design time is a woman named Lisa and her Pysanka kitchen. Pysanka is the Ukrainian folk art of painting eggs and objects with meaningful and intricate geometric designs.

I am a sucker for ethnicity of any kind and Lisa pulled out the stops in her incredibly detailed vision of a kitchen based on a Pysanka egg. Here are some excerpts:

Congratulations Lisa!


  1. Wow... that looks amazing!
    Hope we get a kitchen update of the results.

    Paul now you can take the batmobile for a spin in the city to enjoy the nightlife!

    Have a great Weekend!

  2. A kitchen based on an egg is definitely unique!! I hope you'll show us more pictures of the design.

    Congratulations to Lisa :-)


  3. CONGRATS to LISA! Waiting anxiously to see more of the Design. It is such an unique concept.

  4. My post from yesterday shows the rest of her entry. It's amazing!

  5. Excellent! Congratulations, Lisa.

  6. I ran her whole entry a couple of days after this. My post on 4/5 has the whole, gorgeous thing.


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