28 June 2011

Bravery or madness?

This is the Verzasca Dam in Ticino, Switzerland. In this shot, it has its spillways open.


The Verzasca Dam is 220 meters tall (that's 720 feet) and here it is with its spillways closed.


This is my great friend Doug bunjee jumping off the Verzasca Dam on Monday afternoon.

Not bad for a man of 52. Better him than me though, I can barely stand watching the video. I used to be fearless when it came to this sort of thing, but those days are long past. Thanks for the thrill Doug, I can't wait to hear all about it when you get back here.


  1. Is the head banger music required? Damn, that's a long way down!

  2. What better way to mark a milestone. Sheesh!

  3. I share your sentiment: better him than me. I'm not diving700 ft with only a rubber band keeping my brain from becoming part of the landscape. Beautiful place though (and not far from where I live).

  4. I didn't realize you were that far south. Beautiful part of the world!

  5. I'm inspired! My goal for next week - take a leap! Figuratively, that is.

  6. I much prefer my leaps to be figurative.


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