30 June 2011

Happy Social Media Day!


Mashable has declared today to be Social Media and to mark the occasion, my pals at Adroyt have posted the video of the round table discussion I participated in at the annual conference of The American Society of Journalists and Authors. The ASJA Conference took place at the Roosevelt Hotel in New York and our talk took place on April 30, 2011.

Clips three and four are all about me and boy is that gratifying. The woman sitting next to me is none other than Dominique Browning, design press superstar. That someone I admire greatly is paying attention to me is doubly gratifying.

You can watch the rest of the videos on Adroyt's blog so head on over there and tell them I sent you.

29 June 2011

Another beautiful faucet from Brizo

Brizo did it again in their kitchen faucet, the Solna.

I love simple and minimal and the Solna lines right up with what I think a kitchen faucet ought to look like. I remember seeing it when it was still a prototype and it looks even better now as a production model.

The Solna's more than just a pretty faucet though, look what it can do.

That's right, it has a hidden pullout that locks into place with Brizo's MagneDock™ when it's not in use.

Well done Brizo, well done. Check out the Solna Collection and the rest of Brizo's offerings on their website.

28 June 2011

Bravery or madness?

This is the Verzasca Dam in Ticino, Switzerland. In this shot, it has its spillways open.


The Verzasca Dam is 220 meters tall (that's 720 feet) and here it is with its spillways closed.


This is my great friend Doug bunjee jumping off the Verzasca Dam on Monday afternoon.

Not bad for a man of 52. Better him than me though, I can barely stand watching the video. I used to be fearless when it came to this sort of thing, but those days are long past. Thanks for the thrill Doug, I can't wait to hear all about it when you get back here.

Let's hear it for Melody!

Melody McFarland is a very regular commenter on this blog. She's also written a few guests posts and thanks to the power of the internet, she's also a good friend. Last April, I profiled her new venture (and adventure), Melody's Pet Photography.

I've always thought that he had one of the best photographer's eyes I've ever seen and I'm thrilled to hear that her business is taking off and she's getting the recognition she deserves. Watch this:


You can check out more of her work on her website here. And in the meantime Melody, congratulations!

Salvation comes from an electrical outlet

In my internet meanderings yesterday I came across this.

Yes, that's an electrical outlet with two, count 'em, two USB ports. FastMac is bringing you the world on a platter and they start at just $22.95 apiece directly from them.

Imagine never being more than an outlet away from topping off your smartphone or Bluetooth earpiece.

Look complicated? It's not. If you can change an electrical outlet you can convert an electrical outlet to one of these babies. Here are the instructions.

It's the simple things that make life so grand, don't you think?