12 April 2011

If I could stop the world for one day: A Blog Off Post

Every two weeks, the blogosphere comes alive with something called a Blog Off. A Blog Off is an event where bloggers of every stripe weigh in on the same topic on the same day. The topic for this round of the Blog Off is "If you could stop the world for one day, what would you take the time to do?"


What would I do with the time? I'd take a page from Modern English.

What would I do? That's easy, I'd melt with you.

Hah! As soon as this topic surfaced last week my mind went back to 1982 and that song immediately. Some influences just can't be undone and early '80s British New Wave is definitely an indelible influence.

But back to the topic at hand. What would I do if I could stop the world for a day? I'd probably not stop the world in the first place. If that weren't an option, I'd spend the time looking for a way to start it again.

I may be alone in this, but I enjoy the passage of time. I like getting older (and wiser) and I love being able to look back across a landscape of lessons learned. Further, with those lessons learned, I'm better equipped to enjoy my life as a move forward.

I'm a busy guy. My days are pretty tightly scheduled and if there's something I really want to do I rearrange my priorities and do it. If the thing I want to do isn't important enough for a priority rearrangement then it's probably not very important in the first place.

So if somebody wants to stop the world, please find a way to do so that my world keeps spinning.


Every two weeks, the blogosphere comes alive with something called a Blog Off. A Blog Off is an event where bloggers of every stripe weigh in on the same topic on the same day. The topic for this round of the Blog Off is "If you could stop the world for one day, what would you take the time to do?"


  1. Getting old is fun. Being old, not so much :-) That damn sound track has been running through my head as well.

  2. Good point. I like getting older but I wonder how I'll feel about things when I'm actually old.

  3. Your response would make a great bar conversation because apparently you're one of THOSE guys. The ones who think that if you want to do something, and it's important enough you just do what you need to do and make it happen.

    I wish life worked that way for me - although I don't think it works like that for anyone, not really. I don't have one master, nor do I have responsibilities that relate only to my interests and well being.

    I really hope this doesn't come across as nasty, I don't feel that way. I would love to take a page from Rufus and literally do nothing for a day - but I would also be missing out on some of the things I have to do. This has more to do with balance I suppose it where I am trying to go with this comment

  4. “Time is too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear, too long for those who grieve, too short for those who rejoice, but for those who love, time is eternity.”
    Henry Van Dyke

    Not all of us are fortunate enough to find a gentle one to love, but for those who do, this quote is very true. One of the greatest days in my life was when my wife and I went to a huge city park with grass so green it hurt your eyes to look at it. We spent the afternoon there loving and talking and being. What else does anyone really need?

    I never read these before I post my own, but I took a similar tact on my own comments on this subject.

    Oh, by the bye, guys, as one who just turned 66, I can tell you that the aches and pains of old age are very much a pain in the ass. Everything else is pretty slick, though!

  5. This one is hard to comment on.

    Time passage doen't technically bother me. I guess I feel like I'm missing out on a lot right now.

    On of my daughters is having a real hard time currently. We are trying to help her work through it with limited success.

    The other three are taking a back seat and there isn't a magical pill that can change things, it's a time issue.

    I want the world to stop, so I can re-connect with the rest of my family a little better during such challenging times.

    Don't worry Paul, if I figure out how to stop it, I'm sure I can just stop it for us. ;)

  6. NooOOooo, I was going to use the Modern English music video! Oh well - at least I know someone else had the first gut reaction to the topic as I did. Great post - I hadn't thought of just carrying on with business and whims as usual.


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