07 July 2010




  1. I'm not sure what the "ew" is about, since I haven't read the article. But who isn't aware that you can use a huge piece of cloth for something other than putting on your bed? It's almost as good as all the other utterly obvious "tips" they post over there.

  2. Maybe it's just me, but the idea of sitting on cushions upholstered in somebody's stained old sheets doesn't sound real appealing. They make terrific drop cloths and I've been known to cut them into dust cloths, but by the time they're ready for that they're pretty threadbare.

  3. Old sheets qualify for drop cloths only for me.

  4. I'm with you Sharon. The headline took me to a dark place.

  5. Yup. Seriously. If my sheets looked that good, they'd be on my beds for another 10 years.

  6. I suppose some people buy new sheets every few months but I'm not one of those people.

  7. You can also line the cat litter box with old bedsheets. Oh, c'mon, like you all haven't done it :-)

  8. Cat box? I wouldn't have a cat. They steal your breath you know.

  9. Paul, I completely agree with you! I use sheets until they are threadbare so, reusing them for something like cushions, is pointless and gross to me! You can buy inexpensive fabric for next to nothing or a new set of sheets if you are that desperate for cushions or window treatments, right?

  10. I know a guy in NYC who sews and he find sheets at the Chelsea flea market that he uses to make shirts. No kidding.

  11. I am so totally for recycling but I just want to draw the line at bed sheets, except for yes, kitty box liners if i had a cat. Ugh, now I have the re-used linen visual to carry around all day.

  12. The whole idea's unsettling.

  13. Since I use a duvet cover that gets regular washes, I rarely use top sheets on my bed. So, I've had many flat top sheets that don't get used while the bottom sheets wear out eventually. I've sewn old sheets into new pillow cases, sundresses, laundry bags, kids' rooms curtains, etc. It's not "ew" unless your sheets are gross (and then you just recycle them in different ways).

    Oh.. and Paul.. that breath stealing thing is exactly WHY I have a cat. I just train him to do that only to company who overstay their welcome

  14. In theory I'm with Nim although I don't think I've ever had a sheet I wanted to turn into anything other than a rag or a drop cloth. My great-grandmother backed her beautiful quilts with old sheets- needless to say the sheets she probably kept spotless with bleach have completely rotted out and the quilts are in a sad state. So maybe old sheets are best used as rags for various reasons.


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