24 June 2021

Simple things to make your garden more attractive

Photo by JR Harris on Unsplash

With summer now underway, you are probably spending more of your leisure time in your garden than you usually would. Perhaps you enjoy relaxing in your pool after a long day at work, or having a few friends over for a barbecue and a few chilled drinks. However, you may not fully enjoy your garden if it is less of a tranquil paradise and more of a neglected junk yard. Here are some simple things to make your garden more attractive.

1. Flowers

Your garden might currently be very low maintenance, with a cement drive way and perhaps a patch of scrubby lawn for the kids to play on. While concrete flags and untended lawns do remove hours of garden maintenance, they are less aesthetically pleasing than a garden that is bursting with color. Flowers are a simple way to add some color to your garden. Simply take a trip to your local garden center and choose the flowers that you find most pleasing and plant them in your garden. Use flowerpots if you do not have flowerbeds; these also have the advantage of being moveable, so you can take your colorful flowers with you if you move properties.  

2. Pond

Adding pond water features into your garden will bring you many benefits. A pond will attract insects and other wildlife to your garden, such as frogs and dragonflies, who thrive in an aquatic environment. Furthermore, ponds and other water features, like fountains, provide your garden with an air of tranquility in which you will love to sit in to relax and unwind at the end of a stressful day. Ensure that your pond includes a water filter to keep the water moving and prevent it from stagnating, ensuring that your pond is a clean and healthy environment in which plants and wildlife can thrive.

3. Maintain garden furniture

If left exposed, your garden furniture can experience a battering from the snow, wind and rain of the harsh winter months. It’s unsurprising, then, for them to be in poor condition when you are ready to use them again in summer. Chipped paintwork, weakened wood, and faded colors all make for garden furniture that is less-than pleasing to the eye, as well as possibly being unsafe for use. Take some time to maintain your garden furniture by adding a fresh coat of weatherproof paint and carrying out repairs, and remember to use a tarpaulin cover when not in use to protect your furniture from the elements.

4. Garden ornaments

Garden ornaments are a quick way to brighten up your garden and make you and your guest smile. Garden gnomes are outside ornamentation classics, but you could also shake your things up a bit by looking at other types of garden ornaments. For example, you could have some flamingo statues for a tropical touch, or perhaps some tasteful figurines of woodland creatures to create the relaxing vibe of a mysterious pine forest. 

Implement these four tips and you’re bound to boost the attractiveness of your garden.

6 Big Reasons to Hire a Professional Plumber to Fix Your Leaking Toilet

Photo by Gabor Monori on Unsplash

According to EPA statistics, most Baltimore residents experience plumbing leaks that result in over one trillion gallons of waste water. Many homeowners understand that house appliances do not remain in stellar conditions for an extended period. You might encounter numerous plumbing issues such as a leaking toilet, a clogged bathroom, or cracked walls. When you encounter such faults, you might be tempted to carry out a DIY project on your plumbing system. Such repairs can cause further damages and extra costs because you are not a certified plumber. Therefore, you need to hire a professional plumber to sort out all your plumbing issues, especially a leaky faucet.

Below are reasons why you should call a licensed plumber to handle your leaking toilet.

1. Plumbing Equipment 

Professional plumbers have special equipment for specific repairs. Hence, when you opt to fix your toilet with any tool, you might not achieve the desired results. Most homeowners do not have these plumbing tools, and trying to compromise with other equipment might result in further problems that were not present. Moreover, one needs the required expertise to repair a leaking faucet successfully. Thus, hiring a certified plumber is the best decision, and you will not have to worry about purchasing the right tools for the DIY job. 

2. Service Warranties

Using an unlicensed plumber to fix your leaking faucet is a huge blunder since they do not provide any service warranty. Conversely, professional plumbers have this option as a mandatory policy. Hence, experts will always do a perfect job and ensure you get real value for your money because they do not want to return in case of any faults. However, if you encounter a faulty component, the professional plumbing company will offer free repairs. Instead of repairing the leaking toilet or getting an amateur, it is always wise to call expert plumbers to handle your plumbing repairs and enjoy the insurance cover. 

3. Reduces Damages

Leaking toilets often occur when you least expect, and trying to solve the problem immediately might result in further damages. You might puncture the pipes or destroy the faucet beyond repair. Most homeowners try to do DIY repairs, not knowing they might escalate the problem. More plumbing problems mean you will spend extra cash on repairs. Therefore, it is imperative to avoid such situations by hiring a skilled and certified plumber to handle the issue. 

4. Comprehensive Diagnostics

Another significant benefit of calling an expert plumber is thorough inspection and evaluation of the plumbing problem. The professional might identify other underlying issues that you did not know existed before. Homeowners usually get detailed diagnostics of the entire plumbing system. This prevents impending plumbing disasters from occurring. In addition, an expert will dig further to establish the cause of the leaking toilet and offer practical advice to the homeowners to avoid such problems from recurring. 

5. Professionalism

Certified plumbers often operate with a sense of professionalism and integrity. The experts often undergo training to establish various plumbing issues and how to fix the repairs. Amateur plumbers can use the wrong tools to fix faulty components. Without any warranty, you can’t claim any free maintenance in case the issue is unresolved. Therefore, professionalism is a fundamental aspect that homeowners need to look out for in plumbing companies to get permanent solutions. 

6. Health and Safety

Plumbing might seem like an easy DIY project when you encounter a leaking toilet. However, the repair is beyond the leaky faucet and malfunctioning system. You can get exposed to harmful contaminants and health hazards while trying to fix the issue alone. Apart from puncturing water pipes, you might mess up the entire sewer line and contaminate drinking water. Therefore, it is much safer to hire a certified plumber to handle all the plumbing repairs.    They have the expertise to follow health and safety regulations. Ultimately, professional plumbers prioritize the safety of your home and community while carrying out efficient services. 

When it comes to plumbing, it is advisable not to gamble with your home. Whether it is a leaking toilet or a broken pipe, make sure you call a professional plumber to fix the repair. While it may be cheaper to handle the issue, you might cause further plumbing problems that will cost you money to repair. Thus, before hiring a plumber, carry out due diligence to know more about certifications, warranties, and professionalism. You can also read customer reviews to find out if the plumbing company has positive ratings. Do not use your home as a DIY project; seek out experts to come and fix your leaking toilet. 

23 June 2021

Kitchen Fire Cleanup and Precautions

Photo by Chris Karidis on Unsplash

The kitchen is arguably the hub and heart of every home. Unfortunately, it is the most vulnerable room to fire damage from ovens, stovetops, fryer oil, toasters, and microwaves. Thankfully, most homeowners can contain kitchen fires before it spreads to the entire house. Nonetheless, you will still have to deal with fire-damaged countertops, cabinets, soot, and other forms of damage resulting from kitchen fires. While kitchen fire restoration experts can help you with the cleanup, below are some tips on responding to a kitchen fire.

Dealing with Kitchen Fire Damage

After containing the kitchen fire, consider the following tips when dealing with the aftermath;

  • Take Safety Precautions

Even if the fire has been put out, you should observe fire safety tips from the Federal Emergency Management Agency. In most cases, damage from kitchen fire isn’t extensive. However, you should invite professional inspection to assess your kitchen since the fire may damage hard-to-see areas, such as electrical systems, ductwork, and gas lines.

  • Ventilate the Entire House

Among the first things to do following a kitchen fire or any other fire damage is ventilating the entire house. Open all the windows, use fans, and other options to clear soot and dust particles that may be dangerous. Ventilating also airs out smoke and burnt food odors. Note that smoke and soot from kitchen fire will spread everywhere. Therefore, you should also consider changing your HVAC filters.

  • Document the Damage

After ensuring that your kitchen is safe and habitable, you should document and take an inventory of the extent of the damage. Taking photos and documenting all the damaged items can assist when making an insurance claim. Some items to include in your inventory include personal belongings, kitchen appliances, cabinets, and any other item consumed by fire.

How to Clean After Kitchen Fire

Smoke and soot are the main challenges when it comes to cleaning your kitchen after fire damage. If the damage from smoke and soot isn’t extensive, you can DIY-clean your kitchen using the following tips;

1. Assemble Your Gear

If you’ve seen before, the aftermath of a kitchen fire is soot residue, which forms an unsightly greasy film over kitchen surfaces. Soot residue is often sticky and mainly made up of carbon particles that can penetrate the skin, eyes, and lungs. The harmful nature of these compounds requires that you use proper protection as you do the cleanup. Wear face masks, rubber gloves, and goggles.

2. Start by Cleaning the Air

As mentioned, fire damage always contaminates the air, making it dangerous to breathe. Therefore, open all the windows and doors in your kitchen. You can also place fans in every corner of your kitchen to create cross-current airflow that drives out contaminated air. You shouldn’t run your AC when cleaning as it will circulate the contaminated air through the ductwork into other parts of the house.

3. Clean the Surfaces

Removing soot from kitchen cabinets and other surfaces is a real struggle. However, use a strong cleaning product to rinse the surfaces thoroughly and clean the surfaces repeatedly. Note that you may have to repaint flat finishes after cleaning to cover stains from soot. Some of the equipment that you will need to clean the surfaces include;

  • Trisodium phosphate – if mixed with water, Trisodium phosphate has industrial-grade strength and works well on soft residues. It is a strong agent, thus use with gloves and avoid splashes. Also, don’t use this agent to clean chrome fixtures and ceramic tiles.
  • Degreaser products – though not harsh as TSP, these agents cleans all types of surfaces. However, always check specific details to ensure that you choose the right product for the job.
  • Dry soot sponge – soot sponges can clean all surfaces effectively, including fabrics. They are designed to remove soot residue without water or any other liquid cleaning agents.

Freshen Up Your House

Even if the flame were confined to the kitchen, your entire house might be affected by foul odors. Therefore, you should freshen up the house after the cleanup. You can do this by;

  • Using an orange citrus cleaner to wipe non-porous surfaces after removing all the soot
  • Opening coffee containers and leaving them inside closed cabinets
  • Placing bowls with vinegar at different locations to absorb the smells
  • Sprinkling baking soda on the carpets
  • Contacting a fire restoration company for help in setting up an ozone generating machine that quickly refreshes indoor air


Even though fire hazards are unstoppable, you should implement various fire prevention tips to reduce the risks of encountering fire damage in your kitchen. Regardless, if the situation has already happened, you should be well prepared to handle the aftermath. While you can handle a small kitchen fire outbreak, you should leave serious kitchen fire damage restoration to professionals. Using wrong cleaning products or wrong techniques can lead to irreversible damages.

Pipelining For Homeowners: Are CIPP Lining Cost-Effective?

Broken pipes, water or sewer line, can cause bigger problems if ignored for too long. Homeowners should act promptly and contact a plumbing contractor to handle pipe issues. The two ways of repairing faulty and damaged pipes include traditional excavation-replacement (also known as dig-and-repair method) and CIPP lining. 

What Is CIPP Lining? 

Cured-in-place piping (CIPP) refers to a trenchless pipelining method of repairing damaged pipes. Unlike traditional piping repair methods, CIPP doesn’t involve extensive digging and property damage.  

With trenchless technology, plumbing contractors can repair and replace broken pipes with minimal excavation in less time. They use the advanced equipment such as a max vacuum pump, to ensure a successful pipe repair. 

Is CIPP lining cost-effective for homeowners? Find out the answer to this common CIPP lining question by reading below. Take a look at how the costs differ between trenchless and traditional methods to determine if CIPP lining is more cost effective than what most homeowners are used to go for. 

Upfront Costs Depend On Methods Used 

When it comes to the upfront costs of trenchless lining versus traditional pipe repair, the latter is slightly less expensive than the former. Homeowners have many plumbing contractors to choose from when it comes to traditional pipe replacement, because this is a common pipe repair method. 

The average upfront cost of a traditional pipe repair is between USD$50 and USD$250 per foot. The cost varies depending on several factors such as the materials and the location of the pipes. Most traditional plumbing jobs involve over 10 feet of pipe, and the average upfront cost includes materials and labor. 

For the trenchless pipe repair, the upfront cost depends on the technology or method used. The two trenchless technologies for pipe repair and replacement include the following: 

  • Lateral Pipe Lining: In CIPP lining technology, the plumbing expert creates a new pipe in an existing pipe. The CIPP contractor utilizes existing pipes and adds an epoxy resin layer to re-line the pipe, repair cracks, and close gaps. By doing so, soil intrusion and leakage are prevented. The cost for CIPP lining ranges from USD$80 to USD$250 per foot. 
  • Pipe Bursting: This trenchless piping technique utilizes a hydraulic or pneumatic head. It destroys the old, damaged pipe and then drags in a new replacement pipe. As compared to lateral CIPP lining, pipe bursting is less expensive. The cost ranges between USD$60 and USD$200 per foot. 

Consider The Hidden Costs  

While the upfront cost of traditional pipe repair and replacement is less expensive than the trenchless method, you also need to consider the hidden or other costs. There could be additional costs not covered by the quoted price above.  

Here are some examples of hidden costs of traditional pipe repair and replacement method: 

  • Excavation Cost: Traditional trenching repair methods don’t include the old pipe excavation cost. The cost of trenching ranges from USD$4 and USD$12 per foot.  
  • Hiring Another Contractor: The plumbing contractor may ask a subcontractor to perform the digging, which adds to the additional costs.  
  • Landscaping: While the price estimate of a traditional pipe method may cover the excavation cost, it may less likely include the cost of fixing the landscape. Homeowners need to hire someone to fix their garden, which may costs hundreds or thousands of dollars. 
  • Additional Work: If the contractor encounters large, heavy objects over the sewer pipes, the homeowner may incur separate charges for relocating the objects.  

CIPP trenchless technology doesn’t have the above hidden costs because the procedure is minimally invasive. It eliminates ruining landscaping, driveways, and sidewalks. Trenchless techniques are a more cost-effective and faster solution for residential pipe repair projects.  

Save Time And Save Money 

It’s important to save time in resolving plumbing emergencies and other plumbing-related issues so you can resume your normal routine as soon as possible. Because CIPP lining involves less completion time than traditional pipe repair and replacement, you’ll save more time and use it to focus on your family, work, or business. 

CIPP lining is a cutting-edge technique without open-cut excavation and pipe replacement. It works by inserting an epoxy resin-impregnated liner through the old pipeline. After which, the liner is cured to create a durable pipeline. So, just imagine the time and money you’ll save from trenchless pipe lining over traditional pipe repair and replacement. 


CIPP lining is cost-effective. Because this pipe repair method doesn’t involve extensive digging, you’ll save on material and labor cost, as well as the cost in bringing back the beauty of your yard after the excavation. In addition, you’ll save yourself from the hassle and stress of overseeing workers within your property with CIPP lining, unlike several days of operations supervision using traditional methods. 

22 June 2021

Home Design Tips for Cat Lovers

Photo by Juli Kosolapova on Unsplash

If you have a furry friend that follows you around your home, or seems to always be off somewhere causing havoc, it might be time to make a few tweaks to your home.

Taking inspiration from this cat owner’s apartment, we’re sharing several design ideas that your kitten will lap up like a saucer of milk.

Vertical Space

Providing your pet with not just ground-level space, but vertical space will give them the freedom to stretch out, explore and oversee their kingdom. And since very little space above furniture level is used by us humans, there’s no harm in making a little more room for your fur baby. 

Giving your cat lots of opportunity to climb and rest higher up with floating shelves, pet stairs or small cubby holes can be both practical and stylish for everyone involved. Cats tend to prefer sleeping in higher up places, as it allows them to feel a little safer. That, or they just like to keep an eye on humans and their food bowls...

Using staggered shelving across the wall can create a cool and contemporary living space with practical storage while also being a stairway to heaven for your kitty cat. 

Just remember not to over fill the shelving, otherwise you might your belongings all over the floor when you wake up in the morning. 

Toilet privacy

Just like us humans like privacy when using the bathroom, cats are no different. Rather than having the litter tray out for all to see, hiding it in a cabinet with a small entryway for your kitty will give them the privacy they need. It’ll also keep your home looking and smelling much nicer for when guests arrive. 

Sun traps

If there’s one thing cats love, it’s a good nap in the sunshine. Whether you install a cozy window seat or use wooden blinds to bring the sun in, your cat will have a new favorite snooze spot. Because, as we all know, they’ll never use the pet bed you bought them. While they’re not using the window seat, you can enjoy the perks too – if you have permission, of course. 

Their own door

If you want to keep the room warm and toasty in the cooler months, or don’t want to keep getting up to let your cat out, it might be time to upgrade the door. A cat door for a sliding door frames is the perfect way to make your cat a little less high maintenance. Without having to leave the door open just in case they want to come in, you’ll also be able to keep the living room cozier for you and the family. 

Loop-free pile

Carpets with a short or loop free pile are the way to go for cat homes. That way, when they ‘forget’ where their scratching post is, you don’t have to invest in a new carpet. Having a little rug in the room where they can snuggle, snooze, and scratch, will hopefully stop prevent them from using the sofa leg.

It’s time to give your cat the kingdom it deserves.