17 June 2008

Meet the Plumen

Another one of the blogs I read is called the Sustainable Style Foundation. The Sustainable Style Foundation is an international, member-supported, non-profit organization that's dedicated to promoting sustainable design and sustainable lives. SSF combs the world looking for innovative and beautiful ideas and things that are helping to nudge a consumerist society toward a more sensible yet still fantastic direction. Check them out some time. Anyhow, their site featured a story about this beauty, the Plumen.

The Plumen is the brain child of a London-based design and manufacturing firm called Hulger. The design team at Hulger has re-thought the utilitarianism of the compact fluorescent light bulb and the result is the Plumen. So the concepts are done and the prototypes have been made, now all they need is a manufacturer. Anybody out there in the fluorescent bulb business?

16 June 2008

The Story of Stuff

I watched this 20-minute video last week and it's given me more to think about than I ever expected I'd find on You Tube.

There is a growing awareness in me and in a whole lot of other people that life as we now live it in the west isn't sustainable. This quest for sustainability is an outgrowth of the environmentalist movement and that's not up for debate. The mainstream environmentalist movement fails utterly when it offers solutions though. Attempting to turn back the clock to a time of a smaller human population who hunted and gathered for a living isn't a solution. Human technology got us into the state we're in and human technology will get us out of it. The first step in unleashing the power of the human mind on this mess is to realize that there is a huge and multi-headed problem to be dealt with. Western-style consumerism is at the root and western consumerism is grave need of some rethinking. Rethinking by me, rethinking by you. As this video points out so eloquently, buying a radio for $4.99 is at best a short-term win if it's a win at all. Please pass around this video. You can find out more about this video and the foundation that produced it at their website: http://www.storyofstuff.com/

13 June 2008

How green is your project?

The gang over at Dwell Magazine have joined with the AIA, that's the American Institute of Architects to those of you not in the know, and together they are hosting a contest to promote sustainable home improvement projects.

If you're the proud owner of a green home improvement project and you'd like to show it off, go to the entry form on Dwell's website and enter. All you need to do is submit up to four photos of your project and write a simple, 250-word description. Then Dwell and the AIA will evaluate your entry. The most inspired projects will be posted on Dwell's website and if that weren't good enough, the winner will win $1000 to use toward his or her next project. Two runners-up will each receive $500 in addition to being posted on Dwell's website. Hurry though, the deadline for entries is June 30th.

If you don't have a green project of your own to show off, don't lose heart. The pages of Dwell Magazine and the AIA's website are great places to go to and find inspiration to start one.

12 June 2008

Great lights!

I found this light fixture from Mixco through my pals at Treehugger today, and it may just be the thing that re-engages me in my blog. Thanks Treehugger and thanks Mixco.

I've been having a hard time forging some kind of connection between what I do for a living and what I believe is the deeply flawed vision of my profession. I am bombarded daily with industry generated tripe about what's new and what's better and what's disposable and what's right now. Keeping an eye on design trends is important as a means to make better choices, but I can't escape the feeling that there is a growing sentiment that design is temporary and disposable. "Temporary" and "disposable" are bad words and I am actively trying to purge them from my working vocabulary. In my mind, architects, designers and builders need to be a forefront in the quest for sustainable materials and practices and it's up to us to show people what's good for them in ways that are appealing and fun.

To that end, this new pendant light from Mixco does everything I tell my clients: if you can't disguise something that you can't change, draw attention to it and have it be your idea in the first place.

The shape of a compact fluorescent light bulb has always bothered me and I've always tried to hide them. Well, thanks to Mixco I don't have to hide any longer. Hah!

03 June 2008

Herculean Herculaneum

I was pretty amazed by the level of preservation in Pompeii, despite its having been picked over so thoroughly in the last couple hundred years. Herculaneum on the other hand, has more of its architecture intact and entire homes filled with original mosaics and frescoes. I was blown away by Herculaneum. So much so that I want to start a movement in the decorative arts. I was going to call it Pompeiian Revival, but Herculaneum Revival is making more sense to me after having been there.