09 January 2011

Let's welcome Moss to the social web

One of the coolest stores in all of Soho and by extension, all of New York is Moss. Now that I think about it, a store that's the coolest in New York is automatically the coolest in the world, right?

Moss sells home stuff, some of the most amazing home stuff I've ever seen. Their inventory spans price points and sensibilities and it's all connected with a truly wicked sense of humor.

They're new to Facebook and Twitter (follow @Moss_online) as of this morning, so like them on Facebook and follow them on Twitter and you'll see what I mean by wicked sense of humor.

During my Manhattan meanderings last month, stopping in at 150 Greene Street (that's on door down from West Houston) was the usual adventure. I have a thing for the "Clay" furniture series from Maarten Bass and they have a table and some chairs in the store.

I love peeking behind the curtain and Bass's Clay tables, chairs and end tables are an homage to the modeling clay roots of all furniture. I think they're a riot because that rough step in the design process is never meant to be seen.

Most of the store's inventory is available on their website, but as is always the case, nothing compares to seeing the real place.

If you find yourself walking up Greene Street, be sure to pop in.

More IdeaBooks everywhere

Here are a couple more IdeaBooks that have been featured on Houzz.com. Go get lost in the library over there and if you're a design pro or architect, think about opening a profile on that site. Houzz is a highly-trafficked and very visible site, it's a great place to get your work seen by many thousands of people every day.

08 January 2011

IdeaBooks everywhere

I've been a regular contributor to Houzz.com for the last couple of months and have been publishing at least two IdeaBooks a week with them.

Houzz.com is a terrific resource for home inspiration. I've been a fan for as long as they've been around and it's a singular thrill to write for them now. If you're a homeowner and you're looking for some ideas and pretty pictures, there are 75,000 indexed room setting in Houzz.com's library.

If you're a professional designer, I encourage you to upload a portfolio. Right clicks are disabled across the site and it's impossible to separate a photograph from its caption credit on the site. Your intellectual property's protected and at the same time, you can reach hundreds of thousands of people every month. It's a winning idea. If you're a design professional or an architect and you decide to upload a portfolio to Houzz, let me know.

Anyhow, here are three of my ideabooks. You can look through them as slide  shows here and if you click on the slide show itself, it will take you back to Houzz.com where you can see the images in full-size.

Houzz.com is running under a new editor these days. Sheila and the rest of us at Houzz.com are committed to building on the foundation the site sits on now and increasing its functionality and usefulness. 2011's going to be a great year at Houzz.com and if you have any ideas or suggestions for the site, feel free to let me know and I'll make sure your ideas end up in front of the right people. If there are topics you'd like to see covered specifically, feel free to make a request.

Spend some time in the Houzz, you'll be glad you did.

07 January 2011

Joy and Janet move up to the big leagues --congrats!

Two of my favorite people in the blogosphere are Joy and Janet, whose always hilarious blog Moggit, has been a consistent crowd pleaser for the last couple of years. I'm proud to say I knew them when because they made the US television debut yesterday on the Nate Berkus show.

They've had a video series on HGTV.com since last year and their work for HGTV is well worth seeing. Here's a great example of it.

In the meantime, here's their clip from Nate Berkus yesterday. I have no doubt that Nate's producer's are thrilled with the ratings spike Joy and Janet's appearance brought with them.

Being part of this evolution in mass media is the coolest thing I've ever fell into and one of the best parts of it is watching people I know and care about do well. This is just the beginning for these two and if the production team at the Nate Berkus show has any sense, this won't be their last appearance.

A new social media webinar coming next month

Thanks to the great Leah Thayer from the website Daily5Remodel, I'll be speaking at an hour-long webinar on February 15th at noon. The webinar is called How I Mastered Social Media to Build My Business -- and How You Can Too and it's sponsored by Builder Link in association with Daily5Remodel.

This webinar will cover how I managed to turn this blog and my Twitter presence into set of tools that altered the trajectory of my career and more importantly, how anybody can use these same tools to do anything he or she wants. The session will have a definite skew toward the design and build communities, though anybody's welcome. There's no cost for this webinar and you can register by following this link.

If you've ever wondered what the heck this Twitter thing is all about, now's your chance to hear first hand what it's all about about. Join us on February 15th and don't put it off. Registration's limited and will close automatically when we reach our maximum number. Feel free to drop me a line if you have any questions. And go register now.