29 October 2020

5 Tips When Planning and Fitting Your Kitchen Design


Photo by Adam Winger on Unsplash

The kitchen is often referred to as being the heart of the home and as such having a well designed kitchen that is both functional and in keeping with current trends is pretty important to most people. On average, we change our kitchens every 10 years so getting the design right is crucial unless you want to be stuck with a dysfunctional space for the next decade. 

With this in mind, we thought it might be useful to provide a few tips to ensure you get the design right first time so you can enjoy your dream space for years to come and ensure a stress free kitchen fitting experience.

1 - Consider How You Will Use The Space

Kitchens can be very different things depending on who is using them. For some it is an area that is simply used for cooking, for others it is a space for cooking and eating, for families it may be a space to be together or have more of a multi-functional use and for some people it might be a space purely for entertaining. 

The point is that you need to understand what your kitchen is to you and to plan it accordingly. If you have a separate dining space then perhaps a dining space in the kitchen isn’t needed and a  breakfast bar with stools will suffice. If you purely want to use it for cooking then how much space do you need for that and can you use left over space for better uses or even for creating a different room?

Planning at the beginning will save time and money in the long run and is probably where most of your time should be spent.

2 - Think Substance Over Style

Although style is important it is worth remembering that trends come and go. You should look for a kitchen that is functional above all else and that has space for storage rather than filling your kitchen units with fancy plate warmers or wine coolers. 

If you want uncluttered worktops then your storage space will be key so plan this into your design.

3 - Choose An Evergreen Colour Scheme

There are plenty of colour decisions to make when planning your kitchen and whether it is the worktops, the cupboard doors, the handles, the tiles, walls or floors, every colour choice you make will change the style and impact of your kitchen. 

We would suggest opting for neutral colours on units and worktops. Colours that are not simply seasonal trends and that will outlast the latest fashions. Of course, if you are happy to re-paint or replace doors and worktops regularly then you can ignore this advice but it could be costly to do so.

4 - Plan All Design Elements

When you are thinking about your use of space you should consider all aspects of the design. Think about the functional areas such as the sink, oven, hob and fridge and consider how close each of these are to one another. 

Creating a triangle of space between the oven, sink and fridge can be really helpful in terms of practicalities. 

Also think about how you plan to use the space. If you want the kids to be up there cooking with you then plan space for tall stools at your worktop and ensure there is space around it.

5 - Don’t Leave Interior Design To The Last Minute

Planning your interior design should not be left to the last minute. Your kitchen units and worktops will of course take centre stage but they will be complemented by a whole range of other design features such as lighting, flooring and decoration such as ornaments, pictures and furniture.

If possible, try and use 3d modellers so you can see your kitchen before you start the fitting. 

These tips should go some way to ensuring you have a smooth kitchen fitting experience and the more you plan in advance the less stressful the fitting should be.

23 October 2020

All About Roof Flashing and Why It Is So Important

Flashing, which is a common thing to do on any construction of a house, is the thin pieces of sheet material, that are installed onto different areas of any house to prevent any water from getting through into the inside, or staying in puddles. They are mounted on the rooftops either onto a joint or at an angle created by a water barrier system, it helps to minimise or completely stop any water penetrating into aspects of the home such as the chimneys, doors, windows, skylights, and walls. 

It helps to reduce any of the problems, related to dampness, such as mold, bacteria, weakening of the internal structure due to the plaster getting wet, as a result of there being either no flashing or a worn out one. This website can tell you more about the advent of wet plaster. 

The materials that flashing is made out of is usually different types of metal, including copper, aluminium, zinc, alloy and stainless steel. When flashing was not an option back in the day, roof shingles were angled in a way as to keep any water away from the joints in roofs that would lead to the chimneys, and mortar flaunching was used. But now that we have this as a more desirable option, it has significantly decreased any water penetrating through openings and vulnerable parts of the top cover of buildings.

The Different Types of Flashing

There are numerous types available for any property, besides the roofing one, and these include specific ones for walls, used to prevent entry of water into the walls. The sill types, which are commonly placed under the windows of houses and are concealed, the channel ones shaped like a “U” which help to catch water almost like the gutters, and are installed on the edges of the tiles where the roof and walls meet. 

Then there is the drip edge, chimney flashing, kickout, through wall, more of which can be found here: https://carsaconstruction.com/replace-flashing-when-replacing-roof/ and are usually  also replaced alongside the replacement of any roofs or shingles. Especially if someone owns a very old house, and the roof has been around for decades, it is an important thing to upgrade these things before placing a new roof on top of it in case they begin to fail before the new roof does. 

In any construction site, there are local building regulations that can allow the re-use of the flashing if it is still in good condition, although this is not preferred. Because these are normally nailed into the coverings of the houses; re-using the same old ones may not be as stable when re-nailed into the same holes as before. 

The 4 Key Types of Designs

There are 4 key types of flashing designs, namely, Step, Counter, Continuous and Base. Which we will discuss briefly below. 

Counter-flashing. These are commonly placed above or opposite the base flashes to complete the application.

Base. This is the bottom piece of two parts. Chimneys, for instance, require a two-part flash. This ensures that the rain water is directed downwards away from the structure. In any case, because it is notoriously difficult to install this around something like a chimney, when done in two-parts it is guaranteed to be installed the right way.

The other reason for using two parts is due to the expanding and contraction of roofing materials as a result of weather changes. When the two pieces move with it, they can stay more secure, thereby keeping the whole system in place. 

Step. This one is designed into a rectangular piece that is bent to a 90-degree angle so it can be used between the roof and the wall. When they are installed, they are usually placed in multiple layers along side the shingles, so the water can flow away from the walls. 

Continuous or Apron flashing. This is named appropriately because it acts like an apron. This is the long piece of metal that is very visible on tops of houses or buildings, and they carry any rain water down to any shingles below. These are cleverly made with built-in expansion joints due to the house shifting, as mentioned above, because of weather conditions. If they did not have these joint in them, they would either break or warp and lose their ability to divert water away from the walls. 

The importance of these cannot be emphasized enough. If it weren’t for these utilities built on top of your homes, they would be susceptible to leaking and flooding from puddles of water being left on the tops, thereby weakening the structure and causing a lot on invisible internal damage to your property. These are a saving grace that every home must have. 

21 October 2020

What to Know About Water Conditioner Systems

Photo by mrjn Photography on Unsplash

Countless households use water softening systems to prevent hard water from damaging their plumbing, scaling dishware, and causing dry skin and hair. For the most part, water softeners are effective and popular. 

However, many households are using water conditioner systems instead of water softeners. What are water conditioners and do they work? How? Why are people using them?

In this article, we’ll talk about water conditioning systems, how they are different from water softeners, and what types are available. Check them out!

What are Water Conditioner Systems? 

Water conditioners are the most common alternatives to water softening systems. Keep in mind, though, that water conditioners and water softeners work in different ways and give different results.

Water conditioning systems offer the following benefits: 

  • They don’t use chemical additives 
  • They eliminate wastewater discharge
  • They are easier to maintain 
  • They produce less pollution 
  • They are cheaper

But do water conditioner systems really work? Yes, they do. 

How do they work? 

While water softeners remove excess minerals by replacing them with sodium ions, water conditioners alter the hard minerals and prevent them from scaling and damaging your plumbing and wares. 

To further understand how and if water conditioners work, it helps to learn about the different types of water conditioner systems. 

Carbon Filtration 

One way that water conditioners work is through carbon filtration. 

In this process, activated carbon removes chemicals dissolved in water. The carbon traps or absorbs chemicals and organic compounds by attracting them.  

Carbon filtration is highly effective when you want to remove the unpleasant odor or taste in the water. If you dislike the smell of sulfur in well water or the chlorine in city water, carbon filtration is a good choice. 

As mentioned, carbon filtration doesn’t soften the water. It simply “conditions” the water for consumption. 

Space Age Systems 

Another way in which water conditioners work is through space age systems.

Space age systems use wires or magnets wrapped around your pipes. They produce an electromagnetic field that causes minerals in the water to blend with smaller particles within the water. 

The result: reduced concentration of calcium and magnesium ions that mix with soaps to form scales. 

Space age systems have the following downsides: 

  • The magnetic field exists only in small areas, so treating large amounts of water is extremely difficult
  • The water turns back into its previous state or quality after 48 hours
  • The scientific community is still largely skeptical about the effectiveness of space age water conditioning systems 

Meanwhile, such a system requires very little maintenance, and its filter bed can last for years. 

Catalytic Media 

Catalytic media water conditioners are also called salt-free water softeners. 

Unlike traditional water softening systems, which use ion-exchange, this type of water conditioner processes water through Template Assisted Crystallization (TAC). 

The conditioning system uses catalytic media to alter the minerals’ form: the minerals turn into hardness crystals, which don’t stick to surfaces, reducing scale buildup and hard water spots. 

Water Conditioners vs. Water Softeners 

Although both water conditioners and water softeners improve the quality of your water, you might favor one over the other due to various reasons. 


Water softeners, although popular and effective in removing minerals, use salt ions. Using softened water may increase your sodium intake, and higher sodium intake is correlated to higher chances of hypertension and high blood pressure


Salt-based water softeners release huge amounts of salt into the environment. And this can lead to several environmental problems in the surrounding area. Water conditioners, on the other hand, do not use salt and is therefore a lot safer for the environment. 

Costs and Maintenance 

Water conditioners are cheaper and a lot easier to maintain. They rely on water pressure to function, not using electricity, and not producing wastewater. Maintenance only involves removing filters regularly. 

Water Heaters Only: Hot Water Tank Replacement in Langley

There are a lot of duties around the home that require your attention. This can sometimes be tiring and boring. But having a home comes with certain responsibilities that sometimes are better handled by a professional.

If you need your water tank to be replaced, you definitely need a professional to do it. If your water tank isn't working correctly or it has quit working, it is time you get a new one for sure. Half broken tanks can increase your bills and put you in a hazardous area.

It is essential to keep an eye on your heater because it plays a huge role in everyday life. Washing clothes, dishes or taking a bath and washing hands can be very difficult with cold water. In this guide, you will find a couple of benefits why you should replace your water heater. If you want to keep reading about this topic, follow the link https://www.wikihow.com/Replace-a-Water-Heater.

Decrease the chance of unexpected plumbing problems 

Almost every appliance that we have at home has a certain lifespan. This, of course, includes the water tank. The tank is connected to the electrical circuit in your home in order to function.

The malfunctioning of this tank can create a series of problems for the whole line connected to it. Unfortunately, this is also true for functioning but old tanks. As their lifespans get shorter, the probability of them causing some kind of problem gets higher.

They can even get clogged over time and cause plumbing problems, which can cost you greatly if the damage is severe.

This is why everyone says that buying a new water tank is cost-effective. It will save you some trouble but also a lot of money you would probably spend on repairs. Repairing can only lead you to slowly but certainly buying or connecting a whole new system. Then why bother when you could save significant time by just buying a new water tank right in the beginning?

Efficient, fast, and practical 

You may have bought a very good water tank in the past. But you should keep in mind that the development of technology has made every single appliance more efficient and easier to work with. The disadvantages of the past built appliances have been perfected, and the final and improved product has been created.

Therefore, you will buy a better tank than your last one for sure! These tanks are built to keep the water warm for a more extended period. They even heat the water faster using the same electricity.

The recovery rate of the hot water 

Old and outdated tanks may be too slow in reheating water at a sufficient rate. No one wants to take a cold shower after a long day of work. Moreover, it is a pain in the neck, waiting for the water to be heated when you are in a hurry.

The new water heater will heat the water very fast, and this will be very practical if you have a big family. How do you get a good team to install your new heater? You can check some reputable companies like Water Heaters Only Langley, if you are looking for quality work done by experts.

Do some research 

First, you need to see what you need exactly. There are a lot of companies that offer various services, and that is why it is essential for you to decide which service you need.

If you are not quite sure, keep in mind that everything can be done with the power of the internet. When you are on the internet, look for a couple of companies and see their price ranges and offers.

Some of them offer consultation, which can come in handy when you are not really a craftsman and don't know anything about repairing. Consulting with an expert will give you a picture of what should be done and when.

You can estimate from the conversation what kind of company you are dealing with. If they are nice and serviceable, they know what they are doing and have a lot of experience.

Look for experts 

There are many companies, which is why it is crucial for you to focus on searching for professionals. There are many firms that do all sorts of things. That means that they are not quite the professionals in any specific field. If you want the right company, you should search for someone who only does one type of job, and that is fixing or installing water tanks.

This way, you will make sure that the company has performed various problems and installations and can handle your project with ease. You don't want a team that will cause more problems than it solves. Learn more here.

Be sure to ask the right question when consulting with the company to know what you are paying for.

Ask for your family and friends for advice and recommendation 

The best way to get familiar with good companies is to turn to your friends and family for advice. They probably have changed their old rusty water tank by now, and they can offer you their honest opinion on the topic.

They can even recommend a specific company that has done its repair. You can go and check how does the final project looks like.

Even if you don’t have anyone close to you with a similar experience, you can always turn to the internet and search for reviews. People leave comments talking about their experience and offer advice for future customers.

This is one of the best advantages of the internet nowadays. If you can't quite rely on anything said above, just go and visit the firm you are thinking about hiring. You can consult in person and see how their workplace looks like.

Their coordination and work environment will say greatly about their organization both in the workplace and in your home project. Be sure to ask for guarantee and past projects to ensure the quality of the work.

19 October 2020

Mold Remediation vs Removal: What’s the Difference?

Mold is a fungus that can be found in and around our homes. Once these spores latch themselves onto walls and ceilings they can spread at a rapid pace. The danger that a mold infestation holds for family members are devastating. Neglecting to get rid of the infestation can cause many health risks such as nasal stuffiness, wheezing, throat and eye irritation, and other respiratory issues.  For those suffering from asthma, the exposure to mold infested areas are even more dangerous. 

Many companies claim to remove all fungus and spores from properties, the truth is, in order for it to completely disappear from a home one should invest in mold remediation for a successful outcome. Qualified and experienced mold remediation companies will completely understand the science behind the spread and growth of these microscopic spores. 

A Little Bit About Mold: 

  • Spores are very small and can’t be seen with the naked eye. 
  • Spores are spread into homes through windows, the air conditioning system, or doors; they can get caught on your clothing and pet’s furry coat or float into the house with the wind. 
  • It can be found outdoors and indoors; it’s not confined to a specific space.
  • When exposed to moisture or water, mold can rapidly grow and turn into huge colonies. 
  • Colonies are grey, black, and brownish of color and are typically found on walls, ceilings, or floors. 
  • Moldy areas will have a musty, damp, and strong smell that leaves a horrible stench in a room that’s left untreated. 
  • When left untreated, colonies can cause hazardous health risks that has an effect on the respiratory system. 
  • Even after remediation, colonies can form again if the core moisture problem isn’t addressed.
  • Keeping your indoor space at a humidity level of below 45, will prevent colonies from growing back. 

When this fungus is completely understood, a company can assess the level of infestation and come up with a plan to remove it completely. Not just remove it, but also prevent it from growing back again. 

So, if both of these concepts are basically the same, what exactly is the difference between removal and remediation?


Even though these terms are used interchangeably by professionals, they mean two different things. Removal refers to only one part of an entire remediation process. It’s only used interchangeably when spoken to clients, because ‘removal’ is a much better understood concept by common folk. 

Remediation actually involves many different steps within the process that ensure all spores of the fungus are removed from the premises. These steps include: 

  • Assessing the area and identifying the severity of infestation
  • Communicating with the client
  • Containing and preparing the area for removal
  • Removing of the spores and colonies in the affected area (known as the ‘mold removal’ step)
  • Cleaning and sanitizing the area after removing of spores and colonies
  • Implementing other treatments that might include demolition of too heavily affected properties
  • Other preventative measures to avoid future growth and spread

As a customer, it’s important that you ask the company about the process they will be following. Asking about the process will clarify the steps that they will be taking. Whether it will be from the assessment through to the preventative measures or will they only be removing? 

Interested in what it looks like when professionals remove mold? Check out this link for an in-depth look: https://www.familyhandyman.com/project/how-to-remove-mold/.


Before you hire a remediation company, you should consider the cleanup process that they will be following. As this will be the biggest indicator of whether it’s only removal or a complete remediation. 

Let’s take a closer look at the entire process step-by-step:

Step 1 – Identifying the Problem

It’s important for a mold remediation company to visit the affected premises first. Not only should the severity of the infestation be assessed but the cause of infection should be identified as well. 

In order for the removal, cleanup, and prevention steps to be successful, the problem should be properly addressed. This will ensure that, after removal, mold won’t return. 

Trained inspectors will use specific tools and measurement machines to assess the humidity levels within the property. If the problem is severe, teams might have to start breaking down walls or look behind building structures to find the source. This will only be done once the area has been properly prepped. 

Step 2 – Preparation and Containment

Before teams start to work it’s extremely important for the remediation company to contain the area. This is important for personal protection, safety of the environment, and preventing spores from becoming airborne and landing on other unaffected areas. 

Quality companies will typically use HEPA-filtered air filtration systems to ensure the environment stays unaffected, clean, and safe. Click here to learn more about how mold can affect you and your immediate environment.

Step 3 – Removal

To remove all fungus from the affected areas, professionals will use HEPA vacuums, and disposable materials. They will also surgically remove fungus and spores from buildings by demolishing it in a controlled manner. 

Other treatments might include the application of antimicrobial and a concentrated hydrogen peroxide mixture that help remove mold roots embedded within the structure’s walls. 

The removal process usually follows a specific protocol that should be followed by licensed companies. This ensures that the entire process is done safely. 

Step 4 – Prevention

To avoid future contamination and re-growth a professional will take necessary preventative measures. This will include removing the core problem and applying a mold-proof coating to the affected areas. 

Because the terms removal and remediation are used interchangeably in the industry, it’s important that you look at the finer details of the process before booking with a company. Don’t be fooled by thinking your fungus problem will be something of the past only because a company claimed to have removed it completely. Ensure that the service will follow all steps within the remediation process and you’ll have a guaranteed successful outcome.