30 July 2019

How to Improve Air Quality in Your Home


Home upgrades often focus on improving appearance, and energy efficiency has also gained importance in recent years. However, indoor air quality (IAQ) is fundamental for human health, and the subject tends to receive less attention. The US Environmental Protection Agency has determined that indoor air is 2 to 5 times more polluted than outdoor air on average, and this applies even for urban areas.

Considering that humans spend around 90% of their time indoors in urban settings, controlling air quality is very important. There are three main ways to improve IAQ, and they can be used simultaneously to achieve the best results:

  • Eliminating or minimizing the sources of air pollution.
  • Designing an effective ventilation system, which ensures a constant supply of fresh air.
  • Removing pollutants directly from the air, by using filters or air purifiers.

There are many types of air pollutants, and some are notorious for their ability to remain undetected. Some are easy to identify due to their unpleasant smell, but others are odorless and colorless. There is a specific category of air pollutants called volatile organic compounds (VOC), and some even have pleasant aromas, causing the impression that they are harmless.

Which Substances Are Considered Air Pollutants?

Thousands of substances have been identified as air pollutants, but a few are the most relevant in building interiors. Depending on the reaction they cause, air pollutants can be described as irritants or allergens. To provide air quality for everyone, both types must be kept under control:

  • An irritant causes a negative reaction on anyone exposed to it. For example, ozone in the upper atmosphere blocks harmful radiation from space, but ground-level ozone is a potent lung irritant.
  • An allergen only affects susceptible individuals. Pollen, mold spores and animal dander are common examples of allergens.

Most air pollutants are not dangerous with short-term exposure, and most health conditions only develop when air quality has been ignored for long. However, some air pollutants are very dangerous even with brief exposure. Asthma patients are especially vulnerable, since pollutants can trigger flare-ups.

Carbon monoxide (CO) is extremely dangerous: the gas is released by combustion appliances that have poor ventilation, and it can poison humans at concentrations as low as one percent. The gas is colorless and odorless, which makes it even more dangerous, and CO sensors are normally required by law. Carbon monoxide should not be confused with carbon dioxide, which requires a much higher concentration to become dangerous.

Volatile organic compounds (VOC) and particulate matter (PM) are not as threatening as carbon monoxide with short-term exposure. However, they can lead to serious health issues in the long run.

  • VOCs are normally released by new construction materials, new furniture, cleaning products, artificial fragrances and cosmetics.
  • PM is normally released from combustion, just like carbon monoxide. PM in outdoor air may also form when other pollutants react chemically under sunlight.

Controlling Air Pollution with Smart Ventilation and Filtering

Large amounts of air pollutants are released in areas like kitchens, bathrooms and garages. All these areas should have extractor fans, to remove harmful substances before they spread to  other rooms. Air pollution sensors can be added to ventilation systems, activating the extractors automatically when harmful substances are detected.

Humidity is not considered an air pollutant, but organisms that affect air quality thrive in humid environments.

  • Mold is one of the best-known examples, and it can damage some construction materials in addition to degrading air quality.
  • Dust mites also reproduce faster with moisture, and they cause allergic reactions in many people.
  • Both mold and dust mites die off when relative humidity is reduced below 50%.

Plants are natural air filters, since they absorb many pollutants as part of their metabolic process. Indoor plants can improve air quality, but flowering plants should be avoided to prevent the release of pollen. Air filters and purifiers can also improve air quality, but ozone-based purifiers are not recommended. While they remove other substances, they defeat their own purpose by releasing ozone, a strong respiratory irritant.

Indoor air quality can be improved by minimizing the sources of pollutants, combined with effective ventilation and filtering. HVAC engineers can optimize the ventilation system design for a home, achieving both energy efficiency and air quality.

Michael Tobias is the founder and principal of Chicago Engineers, an Inc 5000 Fastest Growing Company in America. He leads a team of 30+ mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and fire protection engineers from the company headquarters in New York City; and has led over 1,000 projects in Chicago, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Florida, Maryland and California, as well as Singapore and Malaysia.

29 July 2019

Kitchen Cabinet Details that Will Make You Say “Wow”


People renovating their homes is incredibly common and spending in the area is on the rise. Many people want to make their homes more modern, or just want a change of scenery without buying a new home. However, in addition to changing up their space, many people may renovate their homes to increase its value. If that is your goal, one of the best types of renovations to consider is one in the kitchen.

While a lot can go into a kitchen renovation, one of the most important parts of the reno is your cabinets. Sure, you can look in-store for cabinets, but you can also find quality affordable kitchen cabinets for sale online. You might think your options when it comes to kitchen cabinets will be limited, but that is not the case. There are dozens (and potentially even hundreds) of different design and style options for you to choose from.

With that in mind, this article is going to look at a few different kitchen cabinet details, features and styles that are sure to wow you!
Wooden Cabinets


The most common type of cabinets out there are made of wood. Wood is a study, generally affordable and widely available option for cabinets. However, the price and quality of your wooden cabinet will depend on the type of wood being used. As you could imagine, the costs of different types of wood can vary.

For example, harder woods like cherry, maple, beech or hickory will often be more expensive than oak, walnut and mahogany. This is largely due to the woods ability to resist scratching, denting and other imperfections. So the wood you will choose depends not only on your visual preferences, but also your budget. In addition to different types of wood, cabinets can have a variety of different styles. They can be distressed, flat-panel, louvered or any other type of design.

As you could imagine, there are many pros or benefits to going with wooden cabinets. They are durable, can be easily customized, are available in nearly every style and can easily be stained and painted in the future to provide a whole new look. Of course, there are some cons that go along with wooden cabinets. Chief among them is the fact that the installation process can be longer and more expensive. Also, wooden cabinets can expand and warp over time, and be a headache to clean.

If you want to save some money while still getting the look of wood, you can also go with an option like thermofoil. These cabinets are made of  MDF (medium-density fibreboard) and are then wrapped and treated to look like wood. They are easy to care for, resistant against moisture, and much more affordable. However, they are not heat-resistant, so be careful.

Transparent Cabinets


While most people like their cabinets to hide the things they have, others want to show off their fine China or kitchenware. For these individuals, it can make sense to go with some kind of glass cabinet doors. These can provide a unique look that not many homes have. However, if going fully transparent is too intense, you could opt for some stained glass. This will provide a bit of transparency, while also being a design style in of itself.

Each of these options will require less solid material (either wood, metal or another material), in exchange for glass, which can lower price. Other pros of this type of cabinet can be a unique aesthetic, simple cleaning and can make it easier for visitors to know just where your cups are! However, there are some cons of transparent/glass cabinets as well. These include the fact the glass could break if you’re not careful, and the fact you need to keep everything organized behind the door, as everyone can see.

Blind Corner Cabinet Solutions

When it comes to kitchen cabinets, most homes have an area that is hated by nearly everyone, the dreaded corner cabinet. This cabinet can be low or high, and is often a place most people will just toss things they never use. First of all, these cabinets can be hard to reach, and can be even tougher to see into. Trying to reach whatever you have at the back of these cabinets can be incredibly difficult and stressful.

If you can optimize your corner cabinet or create a usable solution, you will unlock much more storage than you otherwise had. Thankfully, there are several different ways to do this. You can install pull-out corner drawers, can utilize a lazy susan or can even using things like swing outs or slide-out trays.

Of course, installing these solutions will be more expensive and time consuming than leaving it alone, but can get you a lot of extra space, as well.

Soft Close Hinges or Drawers

There are many different ways that your cabinets can show wear and tear over the years. However, few can be more problematic than the hinges. After constantly being open, closed and slammed thousands of times, kitchen cabinet hinges can begin to show the effects. Damaged or compromised hinges can lead to doors being tough to close, uneven or stiff.

As a result, consider adding soft close hinges and drawers throughout your kitchen. These are hinges that will ensure your cabinets and drawers will always be closed slowly and gently. The small bit of added installation costs and work required will be more than worth it to save your hinges and drawers from unnecessary damage.

Don’t Forget About the Accessories


While how the cabinets look is important, so is how functional they are. Thankfully, there are several different types of accessories that can be installed within your cabinets. This can include dividers, pull-out trash can or recycling, wine racks, plate displays and more. These can be integrated directly into your cabinets for seamless inclusion.

These will all provide value in different ways to your home. Sure, they will generally cost more than adding standard cabinets, but the benefits are often worth the price. If you are interested in any of them, be sure to mention that to your contractor and see what they can do. While installing these on your own is possible, you want to ensure you know what you are doing before taking a customized job like this.

Hopefully this article has helped you learn a bit more about kitchen cabinets and all the various options at your disposal. Of course, these aren’t all available options, but are some of the best and to consider during your next kitchen renovation.

How To Tell If You're A Minimalist Or A Maximalist


In life, every person has their own unique personality and no one else has one just like yours. In addition to your personality impacting how you act, behave and dress, it can also have an impact on your home. How we design our home is a reflection of ourselves and our passions and interests. No two homes look exactly the same and we have our own unique styles and personalities to thank for that.

While there are many different styles of decor people use, they each generally fall into one of two categories. They are either maximalist or minimalist. The side you are on will have a huge impact on how your home looks or functions. However, which of these are you and how can you tell? While many people are a mix of both, most of us tend to be more on one side than the other. In an effort to help you out, this article is going to go into detail about how you can tell if you are a minimalist or a maximalist.

Is Your Style Minimalist?


A minimalist style is one that is very simple, elegant and clean. This goes for furniture, color and the layout of their homes. Minimalists will likely prefer a nice and clean white set of cabinets instead of a funky colored or designed cabinets in their home. For example, a set of ice white shaker cabinets (Ice White Shaker Review : basics) is likely to be perfect for those who like clean and simple lines, along with neutral colors.

In addition to simple and basic colors, minimalists are all about ridding their areas of clutter and only having what they really need. Most things in a minimalists home that are out, are likely being used or have some role or function in the home. Now, that doesn’t mean they don’t have other things, just that their other things are often kept away in storage when not being used.

Basic furniture and relatively empty walls are often common in minimalistic homes, and many rooms are free of distractions so you can focus on what matters. However, despite all of this, a minimalist style doesn’t need to be boring and uninspired. While many think minimalism can be cold and unwelcoming, this isn’t the case. It is simply about shedding the unnecessary materialistic things so many people care about and only focusing on what truly matters in your life. There are plenty of ways to have a beautiful home and life while maintaining minimalistic tendencies.

Is Your Style Maximalist?


On the other hand, maximalism is all about bright colors, exciting patterns, unique pieces and a whole lot of creativity. A maximalist style can turn any room into a journey full of interesting stories or sights. Furniture, art, colors and decor are often mixed and matched in a number of different (sometimes clashing) styles. Essentially, a minimalistic room or home will be much busier than a minimalistic one, both on the floor and the walls.

However, it is important to remember that being a maximalist isn’t all about mess and clutter. Sure, a lot of space is used, but maximalists find order within the chaos of their rooms and homes. Also, these rooms will be tidy and organized, but full. Most of the things in a room will contribute to the design in some way or tell a story. Also, maximalistic rooms and homes are often incredibly dynamic, and can change from day to day as people find new things to display or utilize in a room. People may change their rooms or homes with the seasons, as interests change or just because they feel like it!

In conclusion, we hope that this article has been able to help you discover if you are more into minimalism or maximalism. Of course, as we mentioned in the introduction, most people fall somewhere in the middle. So if you can’t quite tell which one you are by our descriptions, don’t worry, you likely fall somewhere in between.

26 July 2019

Three Ways to Detect Air Leaks at Home

Leaks in a home can increase heating costs significantly. Here is how to detect and fix gaps in your house.

According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, more than 50% of the energy use in homes is for heating and air conditioning. The figure will increase in your home if there are leaks. You may already know where air leakage occurs in places such as under the door and vents, but there could be less obvious areas.

Heating systems are usually one of the main reasons for calling in an emergency plumber in Orem, especially in colder months. But you don’t have to wait until you can’t take the cold anymore. Start by conducting a thorough assessment of your home to determine how and where air leakage occurs. There are many tests that you can conduct, and the best part is that not all of them require specialized equipment. Here are some ways to find air leaks by yourself:

Conduct a visual inspection

Spaces in or around fireplace dampers, attic hatches, electrical outlets, windows and door frames, baseboards, and cable and TV phone lines could be the main reason your house can’t retain heat. Look for gaps in these places in the interior of the house. If the problem originates from the exterior of the house, some of the most common places you should check are the space between sidings and chimney, corners of the house, and outdoor water faucets. Light passing through a crack in your wall or roof indicates an opening that contributes to heat loss.

Conduct a pressurization test

If you can’t detect leaks visually, you may want to conduct a pressurization test. Start by turning off furnaces, water heaters, and other combustion appliances. This should be followed by shutting all exterior doors, windows, and vents and turning off all appliances that have exhaust fans to blow air outside. Once you’ve closed down all areas that that can leak air, light up an incense stick and pass through areas you suspect to leak air. If smoke wavers or is sucked out of the room, then find the gap and have it sealed the right way.

Use a flashlight

Switch off all the lights inside your house. If it is during the day, shut all windows and doors so that the interior remains dark. Walk everywhere around the house checking for any signs of light streaming in. If you are conducting this test at night, have someone walk around the house with a flashlight. For the best results, you should be in coordination with the person outside.

It can take you more time to identify leaks if your house is big. To save some time, consider creating a list of common places where you can find air leaks in your home. Start with the basement and the attic. These areas usually have big gaps, which when closed can help save your heating costs significantly.

Finding and sealing gaps in the walls and roofs can be a difficult task. If you don’t have the time or skill, why not get in touch with a professional? Experts in this will always come with the best equipment and use their expertise to detect and seal even the tiniest gaps.

25 July 2019

4 Tips for Selling your Home Fast

Placing your home on the market and waiting for it to sell can be a stressful time. You want to find a buyer as soon as possible to help you move on with your life. However, this may not be as easy as you’d hoped. You’ll likely want to work with a real estate agent to speed up this process. This professional can provide you with the following ideas to make a much faster sale.

1. Declutter your space

You’ll want to do a thorough cleaning of your home if you wish to find an interested buyer. Most people will want to put an offer on a property that’s neat and clean.

Taking time to declutter the living space is something you’ll always need to do, and this may mean having a garage sale. Placing an ad in the classified section about this event will allow you to have a better turnout and get rid of things you no longer use.

Additionally, doing a deep cleaning of your property before showing it to potential buyers is vital to getting it sold in less time.

2. Hire a professional photographer

Taking numerous pictures of your property when listing it online can be a great way to reduce the time it sits on the market. You’ll want to rely on a professional photographer that has the right skill set to do a job of this magnitude.

You’ll want to get a shot of each room inside of your home. Another great idea is to take several photos of the exterior of your property and the lot you have it on, as well.

Of course, taking the time to do some minor landscaping is an excellent idea to ensure the outside of your house looks attractive. Simply mowing the lawn and putting some blooming flowers in the garden can be helpful.

Studies indicate that homes that have many photographs may sell as much as 32% faster, and this is reason enough to hire a professional.

3.  Stage your property

Adding a few interior design touches may be the key to finding a buyer in the least amount of time. You can do several things on your own, such as purchasing rugs and pictures to hang for a better look. You'll likely be able to sell house fast in California when you stage your home.

Another good idea that may decrease the selling time is by staging your property. Renting furniture for your living area and other spaces in your home can make it look much more appealing.

The average price for staging a home is about $1800, and this is something you’ll want to budget for beforehand.

4. List it at the right price

Naturally, you want to get the best price possible for your home. However, you’ll want to avoid an asking price that’s too high because this may turn away interested buyers.

Relying on the assistance of a professional agent can enable you to know the right asking price for your property. Keep in mind that it’s much better to lower this amount rather than to increase it over time.

By making the right moves, you can ensure your home isn’t on the market for too long. You’ll need to be proactive and not simply let things happen without being in charge. It’s always in your best interest to work with an agent who will guide you through the home-selling process. Finding the right buyer may happen much sooner rather than later when you do so.