Kitchen tiles come in a wide range of assorted colors and designs. They even vary a great deal in their sizes, ranging from exceptionally small mosaic tiles to larger ceramic tiles that measure one square foot each. In addition, kitchen tiles are used in a variety of different locations.
They can be used on the walls, on splash backs, the floors and, as always, the counters. However, there is one thing that they should all have in common. They should all be designed with hygiene in mind, and as such it should be easy to clean them and keep them free of bacteria.
For instance, kitchen tiles such as large ceramic tiles that feature deep grout can sometimes be a problem. Therefore, according to Yorkshire Tile, the grout should be finished with an antibacterial coating in order to ensure that bacteria cannot get deep into the grout and cause problems later on. This is important regardless of the location of the tiles, but it takes on a special importance when the tiles are used on the counter or in some location where the bacteria could possibly come in contact with food or food preparation areas.
In addition, it is important for you to choose the right types of kitchen tiles. The website focuses on the importance of choosing the right type of tile for the job that it needs to do. The website also directly ties this information in with following proper hygienic practices in the kitchen.
For example, ceramic tile is relatively easy to clean and it is easy to keep disinfected. Again, the problem usually occurs when the grout is porous and is not finished with antibacterial coating. This can easily be corrected by using the proper techniques for the grout. Furthermore, tiles that offer a mosaic appearance that are sold in sheets are easy to maintain and keep clean because they only offer the appearance of grout while the actual surface is completely smooth. These are easy to install and also easy to keep disinfected.
Choosing the right kitchen tile is vitally important, both for aesthetic purposes and to ensure that food preparation areas are kept as sterile as possible, and that the tile itself is not causing a problem related to hygiene in the kitchen.
A great first step towards finding the right tile is to know how you can protect it and keep it clean before you even use it. According to, the sealant that protects against fungal and bacterial cultures is an impregnating seal, which works by seeping deep into the grout and tile and bonds with the molecules within. Remember that sealer need only to be applied on water-based grouts; epoxy-based grouts are already protected.
Clean the area carefully before laying the sealer down, and once it has set, make sure that it is dry before using it. One last precaution is to let your grout sit for a full two weeks before applying the sealer. And finally, if you are using a top coat sealer, it is not recommended for glazed tiles, as it will not stick well.