
06 February 2021

How to Maintain a Septic Tank

Taking care of your septic system is essential for several reasons. For one, you don't want it to be out of commission at any time since it serves such an important function. Depending on where you live and the nature of the issue, you may find yourself unable to flush wastewater out for days. Not only that, but you want to keep your system in good shape since repairs and replacement can be expensive. Let's take a look at how you should care for your septic tank system.


Pump and Inspect Regularly

Owners should make sure that septic systems are inspected every 3 years at the very least. However, many experts recommend that you have it checked every year. This is especially the case for alternative units with features like electrical pumps, switches, and mechanical parts. 

The inspection has to be performed by a certified septic service professional. These systems are usually pumped every 3 to 5 years. 

Even if you have a good system, sludge and other sediments will start building up after a while. A septic tank service will come and pump out the residue using trucks like those you'll find at

Many factors will affect how often you should pump your system. Things like the septic tank size, your household size, the volume of solids in wastewater, as well as the amount of water the household generates will all make a difference. An inspector will be able to tell you when it would be a good idea to have the tank pumped.

Don’t Overload Your System

You want to make things as easy as possible on your septic system. All the water used by the household will go through it, so you need to start being efficient. The average person living in a single-family home will use approximately 70 gallons per day. But all it takes is one leaky or running toilet to waste an additional 200.

This is why you might need to make some modifications and change your habits. Consider adding low-flow toilets and showerheads, and aerators to faucets. Choose the right load size when doing laundry. Also, make sure that you keep your showers as short and sweet as possible. Everything you do will add up, so always find ways to save as much water as you can.

Be Careful with What You Waste

We’ve all been guilty of putting something in the toilet that shouldn't have gone down there. Even if it may seem convenient, you should never use a toilet boil as a trash can. 

For instance, many have the bad habit of dumping grease in their toilet bowl, but that's one of the worst things you can do to your septic system. Other things you should never dump in the toilet include hygiene products, prophylactics, diapers, and even things like dental floss, as it may get tangled up in some components.

These are all things you have to do if you want to keep your system healthy and in working order. It will increase its longevity and ensure that you don’t suffer a shortage at the worst time possible.

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