
22 December 2011

I am the explorer

That's right. I'm the explorer, Jamie Goldberg's the communicator, Susan Serra's the Entrepreneur and Grace and Ken Kelly are the showroom-focused design company.

Or so read the pages of Kitchen and Bath Business yesterday. What a thrill to be called out by the industry I call mine and what a great group of colleagues (who are also friends) to be counted among. Pardon the self-promotion but my traffic's down significantly this week and I figured I could squeeze it in.

In a season when I'm counting blessings, I have too many to count. None of this could have happened without the support of a whole lot of people, including the five profiled in the article with me.

Endless thanks to Lori Dolnick for thinking of me and thank you again to Blanco USA for bringing all of us together.


  1. Kudos to you! 'Explorer' is a great descriptor for you in so many ways. I had the great pleasure of being in your company on more than one occasion and your passion for learning and ability to absorb information is infectious.

    Merry Christmas Paul, and Happy 2012
    (where will we see each other next year I wonder?)

  2. Thanks Bob, it was quite a year and it was nothing short of amazing to be able to hang out with you in two different countries in a six month span. Merry Christmas to you and your family and I have a feeling we'll be crossing paths again in 2012.


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