
06 September 2011

Travel plans

Venice isn't the only city in Italy with canali, the old part of Bologna is full of them.

2011 is turning out to be the year that keeps on giving. Even though my plans to go to The Bahamas this week have been thwarted, I have two more locations to look forward to this month. The Italian Trade Commission, in it's North American incarnation as Ceramic Tiles of Italy, is sending me to Cersaie in Bologna. I leave on September 17 and what awaits is the largest tile and bath show in the world. I have a couple of days of free time when I get to Italy and I cannot wait to park myself in a cafe, grab a copy of Corriere della Sera, and read all about Silvio Berlusconi's latest offenses. That I'll be up to  my elbows in tile and bath products is the kind of bonus only I can imagine.

I'll be in Bologna from September 17th through the 22nd when I depart Bologna for London
where I'll catch the tail end of the London Design Festival. I've been selected as one of the design bloggers being sent to London by If you don't know Modenus, you really ought to.

London is part of what's being called BlogTour2011 and it's an attempt to unite design bloggers in the UK and the US. Something the scale of Blog Tour has never been attempted before and I cannot thank Veronika Miller of Modenus enough for including me. Blog Tour has its own website and all of the participants' updates will be syndicated there. The sponsors of the Modenus Blog Tour 2011 are Modenus of course, the Architectural Digest Home Design Show,, Blanco, DuVerre hardware, Spirit of Sports, Wallunica, Samuel Heath, 100% Design, The London Design Festival, Decorex International, The Society of British Interior Design, Tent London, and Design Junction.

Check out all those sites and keep posted for my updates from the other side of the pond.


  1. I like your blog. You have some nice inspiration around the world!! I love the baroque of my favorite designer is Sige Gold, it is very famous in Russa. It makes luxurious furnishing..amazing!!

  2. Sounds like a blast! Will you be able to make a trip to the island in the near future, or is that on hold indefinitely? Storms can definitely put a wrench into the plans. A friend missed his flight to Spain due to the hurricanes.

  3. Wonderful, Paul! Bon travails. I know you'll report back with your usual artfulness and insight.

  4. Thanks Leah, Brinn and Pam; this will be one for the books.

  5. Paul, I always read but rarely comment. You are going to one of my favortie place in Italy. Check out the Garisenda Tower built in the 14th century and hopefully take a walk up. Dante wrote about it in the Divine Comedy. Also, stay local with the wines and you will be amazed. Seriously, no beer coasters.

  6. Fantastico! Have a great trip Paul and ensure you take in some local attractions.

    Remember, 'All work and no play makes Jack ... or even Paul ... a dull boy'. :) -Brenda-


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