
27 July 2011

Joyously desiring Jesu in a Japanese wood

My friend Melody is going through a rough patch these days and I figured she might need something beautiful, clever and Japanese for a distraction.

I can't remember who pointed this out to me originally, or I credit the tipper effusively. Anyhow, this is a Japanese ad for a Sharp telephone. In this ad, a brilliant Japanese production team assembled a gravity marimba that plays the tenth movement of Bach’s Herz und Mund und Tat und Leben, usually called Jesu, Joy of Men's Desiring in English.

It's mesmerizing. The video's only three minutes long. Check it out.


  1. I am in awe of this. I've watched it twice now and forwarded it to all my friends.
    I can't believe the talent and creativity of some people.
    Thanks for sharing.

  2. That is very much the kind of thing that gets you to wondering how in the hell anyone ever came up with that! I found it absolutely delightful, and all the more because that is the music my wife and I used when we marched down the aisle!

  3. That's one of the most clever versions of a composition I've ever seen and heard. I'm glad you like it!


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