
28 June 2011

Salvation comes from an electrical outlet

In my internet meanderings yesterday I came across this.

Yes, that's an electrical outlet with two, count 'em, two USB ports. FastMac is bringing you the world on a platter and they start at just $22.95 apiece directly from them.

Imagine never being more than an outlet away from topping off your smartphone or Bluetooth earpiece.

Look complicated? It's not. If you can change an electrical outlet you can convert an electrical outlet to one of these babies. Here are the instructions.

It's the simple things that make life so grand, don't you think?


  1. I need to switch out the outlet in our "command center" to one of those. Very Cool! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Fantastic find, Paul- just bookmarked those bad boys.

  3. Did you guys see how easy they are to install? What a brilliant idea!

  4. Paul, I love the electrical things your stumble upon. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Thanks Ann, I'm going to order one and give it a test drive.

  6. So funny that you posted this today. My hubby (a tech nerd) was overly-excited about these yesterday. Yes, he ordered six.

  7. That's clever! But your GPOs look like sad faces!

  8. I never thought about that Chookie, I guess it's from seeing them so much I don't pay attention, but they do look like sad faces.


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