
19 March 2011

Mosaico+ has a winner in Dialoghi

Another favorite from Coverings last year was back this year with a new booth and a new product line that's really fired my imagination. That vendor was Mosaico+ (Mosaico Piu in Italian) and one of their new product lines is Dialoghi. Dialoghi means dialog in English and it's certainly an apt title.

Dialoghi consists of a number of mosaic shapes that are available in a host of stones, colored glasses, woods and metals. In a few weeks there will be an interactive planner on their website available where you'll be able to mix and match their tiles to your heart's content. You'll then be able to design your own, fully-custom mosaic pattern and it'll arrive as 30cm x 30cm sheets, all ready to install.

Planners and randomizers aren't unusual on manufacturer's websites when it comes to the mosaic niche. What makes Mosaico+ so cool is their shapes. It's easier to show rather than tell so here goes.

See what I mean? Bravi Mosaico+! Their new website will be up and running in a few weeks but in the meantime, you can look at the rest of their offerings.


  1. Wow! Those are absolutely stunning! I covet the 5th one for an undetermined future project. Love the green, and such unusual shapes, they almost look like abstract butterflies, to me. Thanks for sharing this gorgeous new line.

  2. The stripey tesserae in that photo are made from zebra wood. Who thinks to use wooden tesserae? Mosaico+ is available in the US so take advantage of that!

  3. Thanks for checking in Chookie. My favorite one is in the first shot. I love how it gives the illusion of diagonal lines.

  4. Gorgeous! This is why I like Coverings so much! Check my blog on Coverings exhibitors at

  5. Great blog, thanks for checking in!


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