
19 February 2011

Time may change me but I can't trace time


OK kids, it's big announcement time. I've spent the last year setting myself up to be a writer and social media guy full time and to leave behind my career as a designer. Well, while I was in Spain, one of the pitches I'd been working on with an ad agency got an approval from our client. I've been doing social media project work for a while now, but this new one is a different animal all together.

I've been looking for an opportunity like this one for months and I couldn't ask for a better one. For that matter, I couldn't ask for a better agency affiliation than the one I have with Godfrey Design and Advertising.

I'm still involved in the design industry, just in a different capacity. I found a place where I belong in kitchen and bath and I have no intention to leave it.

Moving forward from here, a lot of what I have been doing will remain the same. I'm still writing for a couple of design sites,I'm still teaching SketchUp classes, I'm still teaching social media seminars with a design/ renovation industry slant, and I'm still a kitchen design blogger.

What's different now though is that I'm devoting myself full-time to disseminating new product news and building communities around brands, something I do better than anyone else I know.

I owe all of this to this blog and your support, interest and enthusiasm these last three years. When I started this site, the last thing in the world I was looking for was a mid-life career change. Now that it's here though, I couldn't be happier. Thank you.


  1. Cool, Paul. Congratulations!
    I'm looking forward to hearing all about it in Vegas.

  2. Cool stuff. Seems like your life moves in only one direction; forward. Congratulations!

  3. Thanks gang, these are wild times indeed.

  4. Best wishes and congratulations! When you do what you love, great things always happen. So excited to see you find that perfect stride. Carpe diem!

  5. Paul, I'm amazed at your tenacity and creativity that has enabled you to catapult your career in times when the rest of the world seems to be drowning in a pool of mediocrity and narrow mindedness. Proof that life is what you make of it which sometimes means thinking outside of the box to be successful --something that you do so well. I'm proud to be able to say --"Hey I new you when..." My life has been enriched by the synergy you've created as a social media master and mentor (not to mention the opportunities you have shared with me). Looking forward to seeing you in Vegas too!

  6. Bill and Pam: Thanks for your good wishes!

  7. Congrats, Paul. You've certainly worked hard for it!

  8. That's really awesome, Paul! Glad to be along for the ride!

  9. Sooooo...I want to know more! :) Congrats! You sound happy and excited and that IS awesome!

  10. Kelly, Nick and Leanne: Thanks! And yes Leanne, we should talk about this.

  11. Congrats Paul. Your journey has inspired many, myself included. Change is good.

  12. Hey, fantastic! I hope you enjoy the change. Can I still send you photos of my bulthaup kitchen once it's done?!

  13. Thanks Arne and Melissa it's not a matter of can, you HAVE to send me those photos when your kitchen's done.

  14. I really don’t know what else to say other than to offer my congratulations along with the others. It was a distinct pleasure to meet you in Toronto, and I’ve been talking about you with my wife ever since! The conversation with you and Gloria on the last night of the trip was a real eye opener for me. Not very many people have the courage to try something else after twenty years or so in the same field. Reinventing oneself sounds awfully good on paper, and it is certainly the thing that others, who don’t actually have to do it, will encourage people in a suddenly truncated field to do. But to actually go out and do it takes a lot of persistence and a lot of courage. My hat’s off to you, my friend!

  15. Christine: I have no interest in stardom. The real power's off stage and behind the scenes. :)

    Joseph: It's incredible what can happen when you chase after it.

  16. Congratulations! So happy for you and all your recent badassical happenings!

  17. Congrats Paul!
    I'm so happy for you and excited to see what your future holds.

  18. Thanks! Badassical? I love it!

  19. Hi Paul - congrats on your new gig! Change keeps us young!

  20. My Best wishes always with you and congratulations! When you do what you love, great things always occur. So excited to see you find this stride perfect.

  21. Love you Paul... I'm stoked that you're getting the recognition you deserve. You create your own reality my friend... might as well be one you enjoy!

  22. Thanks Ryan! I am thrilled that we had the chance to get to know each other in Spain. Onward!

  23. Best Wishes to you and congrats on your new gig!

    I've always marveled at the concept that if one thought about where they would be five years ago it is rarely where we end up. One never knows which is what makes life so interesting. Enjoy!


  24. Just found this--congratulations! You've worked hard for it. (in Spain, in Germany, in need to get yourself invited to Australia now)

  25. How exciting for you too! How goes the preparation for your big move?

  26. Paul, congratulations on your new opportunity! Sounds like you are living your dream!

  27. Thanks Christy, these are exciting times to be sure!

  28. CONGRATULATIONS Paul. So very well earned!!!!
    With 'hugs of happiness for you' .... -Brenda-

  29. Well, my head has been in the sand, which I'm sure you understand. It's really rewarding and wonderful when we feel what we are made to do. Seems too, like you are coming back full circle..with a twist. With your experience, you will surely forge new paths for your clients to deliver their message. I have no doubt :)


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