
13 February 2011

Spain was spectacular

The Reign in Spain tour ended Friday and I flew home yesterday. While I can't say that it's good to be home I will say that it's nice to set aside my suitcases for the time being.

Spain was spectacular in every sense of the word. Prior to leaving, I used the following stock photo a number of times to illustrate what I was going to see in Teruel.

Well as luck would have it, I was in Teruel last Wednesday. I was walking through the Teruel Museum and walked out onto their fifth floor balcony. I was hoping to get a better perspective on the city but what I got was the chance to stand where the photographer who took that stock shot stood. How cool is that?

Now that I'm back, for a month anyway, I'm going to go back to my regular schedule here at good old K&RD. I have learned volumes about the global design scene in the last few weeks and even more about the world political and economic situation. I'm going to start sorting through my findings tomorrow. At first I'll start with the sights and sounds of Spain, then the things I learned about Spanish tile. I'll probably loop back to some other things I found in Germany and Canada after that.

This has been a crazy, wonderful last few weeks and I owe you guys a huge debt of gratitude. Thanks for reading and commenting here and I'm looking forward to being a blogger again.


  1. I knew something felt right with the world again. Looking forward to your travel posts!

  2. Oh man Raina. I'm going to head over to Lampshade now and check out yours.

  3. JoAnn: The Spaniards were making fun of my Italian accent when I speak Spanish the whole time I was there. I met a couple of people you need to meet by the way. Intros will be forthcoming.

  4. Glad you're home safe and sound. looking forward to all of your stories and learnings. What an experience!

  5. You lucky man. I would have loved to walk in your boots especially in Spain :)

  6. Absolutely,it is such a lovely place where you can have a great tour and romance.with architectural figure and historic places the travel is worth the price.


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