
25 July 2010

That was the end of the reruns

I'll be back with fresh, compelling new content bright and early tomorrow morning. In the meantime, don't forget to watch the season premiere of Mad Men tonight. Woo-hoo!


  1. Can't wait! Last Sunday night I thought that was the date for the premier of Mad Men so I got all comfortable in front of the tv only to realize I was one week too early. Talk about a disappointment!

  2. Can't wait! I thought last Sunday night was the premier night for Mad Men so I got comfortable in front of the tv ready to watch only to realize I was one week too early. Talk about disappointment!

  3. Oh, now I see you are approving comments. I thought there was a blogger problem. Need more coffee ...

  4. I've been meaning to ask how much you loved the designer's living room in the Draper's house and how much you hated when Betty dragged in her foo foo couch. Reality and fantasy collide again.

  5. I thought the whole episode and situation was hilarious and Betty's fainting couch was of a piece with her whole self-absorbed personality. I love how the decorator disclaimed all ownership of the project as soon as she saw the couch. I'd have done the same thing!

  6. Sharon: I was at a conference last week (as a speaker!) and I knew I wasn't going to be able to get to my e-mail in order to delete the crazies as they came in. I've been plagued recently by anonymous commentors who want to poop in my living room. I delete 'em as they come in and since I was going to be tied up at my conference I didn't want to give anyone a billboard who didn't deserve one.


Talk to me!