
23 June 2010

Forbes and Lomax rethought the light switch

Now that's what I call a light switch.

That switch and the rest of the switches, dimmers, outlets and related plates were made by London-based Forbes and Lomax. Forbes and Lomax is a 20-year-old company that identified a problem; switch plates are an ugly, necessary evil; and then they set out to fix the problem.

Fix it they did. These things are fantastic in that they all but disappear. Their products are now available in the US and Canada and they have a product to fit any application you can dream up. Many thanks go to the blog Six Different Ways for pointing them out to me.

Forbes and Lomax you done good. Welcome to this side of the Atlantic.


  1. Great product line. Any chance that products are ADA compliant?

  2. Who knew one could fall in love with light switches? I think I just did.

  3. Andie: I don't know much beyond their UL listing. The are new to the US and you can write to them stateside at They are on display at Claremont Furnishings in Manhattan if you find yourself in New York any time soon.

    Sharon: I love that metal toggle switch. It's old and new at the same time.


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