
16 February 2010

You have been warned

No snow globes. For your safety. Indeed.


  1. Maybe the white powder making "snow" in the globe is anthrax. Or maybe... just maybe... it's all just plain ridiculous.

  2. Well duh.. you never know when one of those things could go off!

  3. I swear, those signs cropped up in all the major airports in the US recently. They are so grinch-like. I think it's pretty amusing frankly. Never underestimate the power of American paranoia.

  4. Thanks so much for that, Paul! I usually carry one in my pants pocket to keep TSA guessing.

  5. They didn't so much as blink at my C4-flavored gum though. What an odd sign. I just stood there and shook my head. I can usually find the humor in absurdity, but the humor in this one escapes me.

  6. Well darn -- NOW what am I going to do???

    Too funny - thanks for sharing Paul. I love visiting your blog for your inspiration, honesty and humour! Thanks!

    Please visit my blog for some kudos to "Kitchen & Residental Design" :) Have a great day!

  7. What is wrong with you? These things can be lethal. I can think of at least twenty ways to use it in an act of Terrorism. Stretch your imagination! :)

    By the way....WELCOME BACK Paul. Glad you were able to mix business with pleasure. Sounds like you had a fab time. -Brenda-

  8. Thank you Donna. I am touched!

    Thanks Brenda, i had the time of my life. Really.

  9. Too funny! Love random signs like that. You have to wonder what happened to spur such a sign... my imagination is getting the best of me!


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