
15 January 2010

Haitian relief with wallpaper

The great wallpaper designer Given Campbell just came up with an original design she's calling Pat Robertsatan. It's at once an admonishment of Pat Robertson's idiotic statements yesterday and an opportunity to do something positive with all that ignorance.

Given's donating half of all the proceeds from the sale of this wallpaper pattern to the Red Cross directly. So rather than shaking your fist in the direction of Virginia Beach, why not extend a hand in the direction of Port au Prince?

Given's a gifted artist and without a doubt the most original wallpaper designer in the business. Look through her website. It's some pretty cool stuff.


  1. i admire the sentiment and the artistry, but ain't no way i'm putting pat robersatan on my walls!

  2. It fits. That's what I always call the woman behind that design.

  3. Can you imagine the nightmares you'd get if you hung that in your bedroom? ;)

  4. I'd be more inclined to hold onto it as a memento of out times. I can't imagine sleeping under the face of that grinning goon.

  5. Brava Given! She rocks (and she's getting married tomorrow)!

  6. I knew that but it didn't occur to me when she knocked this out last night. Talk about a commitment to your art!

  7. I'm going to post it on the DC fanpage; it's great!

  8. Given's a riot, do you two know each other? She's a pretty active Twitterer usually, but she's getting married tomorrow so will be MIA on Twitter for the next week or so.

  9. Would make great toilet paper!

  10. What a great idea! Although it will be without a doubt the most expensive toilet paper you'll ever use.


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