
09 January 2010


This is the screen capture of my home page's weather gadget from a minute ago.

It didn't hit 40 degrees today. It's more than 30 degrees below normal for today here and this is without a doubt the coldest I can remember in nearly 20 years of living in Florida. It snowed about 40 miles north of here last night and tonight's due to be even colder. There's a frost warning in St. Pete for tonight and we haven't had a frost in ten years. It's bizarre and I don't like it one bit.

Everyone looks shell-shocked and cold. A lot of the buildings here have no heat and it shows up in the pained faces of my fellow St. Petersburgians. I get it that it's one degree in Fargo and six in Minneapolis. They're used to it and they live in homes with furnaces.

This photo is just wrong. I just found it on the internet. It doesn't look like this around here yet but at this stage of the game nothing would surprise me. All is woe. All is woe!


  1. Who thinks Snuggies are silly now, huh?

  2. forget the snuggie, you need the slanket!

  3. Well, check out the Kansas City weather this past week! At least I am getting a lot of new paintings under way!

  4. Christian: the Slanket's not chi chi enough, bring me a Blankoat!

    Nancie: I bought a cashmere lap blanket in Italy and everyone scoffed at my purchase. I'm having the last laugh now and that's about the only positive I can see coming from this.

    Laurie: Yes, in Florida. Jamie got out in the nick of time.

    Karena: I was just looking over your blog. I love your paintings. You have a Rothko-like command of color. Wow! Thanks for your comment and I'd love to see more of your work!

  5. Paul, quit being such a big sissy. :) Layer lad, just layer. Signed.....A Canuk -Brenda-

  6. The trade off to being able to go jogging on a Florida August afternoon (something I LOVE to do by the way) is a total inability to tolerate cold. I'll take heat heat and more heat any day.

  7. Okay, I have to admit I prefer the heat too....but without the humidity. -Brenda-

  8. Ahhh, it's the humidity that makes me feel alive. It's good for your skin too.

  9. 37F? That's not even freezing is it? And Paul, if humidity makes you feel alive, you should come to the west coast here.. it's forecast to be falling out of the skies (in water form yet) for the next two weeks straight.

  10. It went down to 32F last night. That's the freezing point. I haven't crossed that threshold in the ten years that I've lived here. It's weird. I like humidity, but the hot kind. Summer here lasts for about eight months. Summer means 95 degrees and 100% humidity under sunny skies interrupted by a thunderstorm every afternoon at four o'clock. That's living!

    Two weeks without seeing the sun would put me into a mental ward, I swear.

  11. Oh, there's sun.. sometimes it peaks out from behind the gray clouds to shine right in my office window and stab my brain through my optic nerves..

  12. I hear you Paul! Temperatures in New Orleans were at record lows for the entire month so far. On my walk to work the other day, I spied icicles dangling from a second floor balcony. Beneath which was a sheet of ice on the banquette. Where the hell do I live that I have to worry about slipping on the ice? That was days ago. Last night I took a stroll down Esplanade Avenue and the icicles and the accompanying sheet was maintained. Absolutely ridiculous. This isn't Duluth! Sure, weather here is not always warm and sultry, but this is, again, absolutely ridiculous.

  13. Its the end of the world I tell you! I feel betrayed by the travel brochures.

    signed Freezing in F'ing Florida.

  14. Tell me about it David, I was just outside surveying the frost damage. It's sad, really. There are a bunch of fried-looking coconut palms in St. Pete.


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